一直苦于寻找本地零基础实习机会的小伙伴快看过来!ilab UQ携手澳洲创企联合举行Startup Intern专场招聘会,岗位多、涉及专业广,有Marketing, Graphic Design, Web Developer, Event Management, Fundraiser/BDM, Social Media, Advertising, Film Intern等等,快来拿一份实习offer,用一个有意义的暑假让你的简历脱颖而出!
此次Startup Intern专场招聘会,对学生和Junior求职者是一次难得的机会,获得宝贵实习经验同时还可以向澳洲最有想法的一群创业者学习,体会最有激情的工作氛围和最先进的技术创新。
招聘会就在明日(29 Nov)
地点:Building 41,University of Queensland, St Lucia
Accelerando Consulting
One stop shop to build, validate and launch startups from physical products to software.
Job Description:
Engineering students keen to assist in the maker space, software development or project management
Second year Engineering and above, customer-focussed, problem solver, doer
Tanda is the market leading workforce management solution. We provide businesses with the tools to significantly improve efficiencies and profitability.
Job Description:
Graduates, sales interns
Recent graduates of a bachelor degree program who are interested in business software, sales and business processes.
A company teachs kids to code in Minecraft, using the metaphor of magic. We're the Pluralsight of Dungeons & Dragons in Minecraft.
Job Description:
Marketing, software developer, web developer, social media
proactive, self-motivated, and self-directed people who can take a problem and return a solution. Should care about beauty and user experience, also care about production over perfection, and who understand the power of iteration with real users.
Ribit it a platform that provides paid internships in startups. It has been developed by Data 61 (CSIRO).
Job Description:
Various roles
Various skills
ilab Central
ilab is UQ's startup accelerator supporting the growth of UQ undergraduates, postgraduates, researchers and recent alumni business and social enterprise startups
Job Description:
We need events interns, marketing, social media content creators.
We need motivated students to assist the central team raise awareness of ilab UQ
ilab Accelerator Startups
ilab startups will advertise their roles once they have been shortlisted and accepted into the program.
Job Description:
Various roles
Various skills from software development through to marteting and content creation.
Australia's leading on-demand talent platform.
Job Description:
Business, Commerce, Marketing, Hustlers
Hustle, Curiosity, Creative Intelligence, Banter, Can Do Attitude, Never Says No
Aurtra is a startup in the industrial internet of things, focused on the power industry. We are three very experienced founders (multiple startups and exits) having a great time building customers and business model in our latest venture.
Job Description:
We are looking for marketing and/or UI interns as we launch our business. Interns will have the opportunity to make a pivotal contribution.
Creativity is the most important; looking to launch properly in the next couple of months, after already signing up major customers. We are a SAAS business designing our UI now.
Alfie BTC
We help high net worth individuals buy large chunks of Bitcoin. We get them the best price by collating across multiple Bitcoin exchanges.
Job Description:
Data analyst.
Ideally computer science, have econometrics or machine learning skills, Python.
You'll be doing analysis into all kinds of crypto currency data - looking for growth opportunities. Work with a Cambridge econometrics graduate 1:1 to learn critical analysis, market critique, and even coding.
We're international serial-entrepreneurs and will be giving you high level interesting, and challenging work. Possibility of ongoing employment if you want it.
Scrunch is a killer Influencer Marketing platform that connects brands with over 20 million bloggers and social influencers.
Job Description:
Scrunch runs internships in the following areas, Content & Marketing, Software engineering and UX/UI design.
A great attitude is a must. We look for individuals who are always looking for solutions and pushing themselves and their team to grow.
Junior Engineers
Developing technologies to help young adults to learn computer programming.
Job Description:
Software developer
Knowledge and skills in developing web applications
Mobile workforce scheduling tools
Job Description:
Marketing, Sales, Operations, General
Studying Bachelor of Business or similar. Interested in experience a workforce and its operations.
Neon King Kong
Chatfor10 - Connecting refugees to volunteers for convenient language practice
Job Description:
Marketing, video production
Performing several interlinked tasks, such as:
developing profiles and personas of Chatfor10 users;
developing marketing plans to get more refugees learning with Chatfor10;
executing on those marketing plans; guiding the refugees you recruit through their Chatfor10 experience;
managing your refugees
we are looking for speakers of the following languages: Arabic, Hazaragi, Assyrian, Farsi, Pashto, Dari, Nepali, Burmese, Karen, Tamil, Swahili, Dinka, and Somali.
If you can’t speak any of these languages, we also have an intern position available for someone to work on recruiting and training volunteer Chatfor10 partners.
Training for Chatfor10 will be provided, we’ll also offer guidance on the market side as well. But for the most part, this is an opportunity to use your initiative, get your hands dirty with some marketing, and produce some tangible results that have a real impact.
WorkingMouse is a team of developers, designers, testers, and growth hackers located in Hawken Village. We're a software development startup specialising in cloud-based solutions for web and mobile. In 2018, we’ll be launching our Codebots platform (our secret recipe for building and deploying awesome software) and we’d love to get you involved with this. The platform will help people build and launch their own awesome software using code-writing bots. On average, 92% of the software code is written by a codebot, so people can spend less time coding and more time creating.
Job Description:
marketing, software development, creative writing, technical writing, copy writing, graphic design
Better have marketing, software development, writing or design skills
Must have willingness to learn. Come to pitch night and talk to us about our team, what our values are, and the kind of work you'll be doing to see if it's a good fit.
Real time machine analytics
Job Description:
Web design, machine learning
Team player that show initiative
Audeara is a buzzing startup which is constantly working towards making our workplace, team and products better. We have come up with the world’s first Full Fidelity (it means fully sick btw) headphones and hope to change the way people listen to music. We offer a truly personalised set of headphones which is customised to suit the user’s individual hearing profile. The first batch of our headphones are about to hit the market and we need all hands on deck to make the whole process super smooth.
Job Description:
Marketing, Business, Community Engagement, Social Media
Quick Safety
Online/offline mobile apps to allow the electricians to easily comply with federal regulations quickly and easily, providing all parties secure storage and instant access for the required 5-year period. We provide 360-degree visibility to all entities, reduce public liability and exposure to the electricians/industry and provide real-time safety alerts to reduce personal injuries/death and financial industry loss.
Job Description:
IT Tech - Working with current team to test and validate and iterate. Also looking at Marketing - Active Campaign and Growth Hacking
Dedicated, electric, a thinker, excited about what they do,
a team player, logical, precise and dedicated
Bidhive is a bid management platform to help business development teams win more work through competitive tendering. Although our start-up is young, our CxOs have 20 years' experience each in competitive tendering, marketing & advertising and software development. We go live internationally with our Saas app in January 2018.
Job Description:
Software developers (Angular a must, ASP.NET Web API a plus but not neccessary), testers, DevOps people.
confident but easy-going student that can work in an unstructured environment and help with our front-end written in Angular.
We'll work out the goals, enter them into Jira, then you determine how you get there and push your results to GitHub. We need help with testing, bug fixes, and improvements to existing functionality. If you have ideas about improving our Azure deployment methods or how to leverage AI for our customers along the way then that's great too. You'll be working with our CTO - a relaxed guy with a PhD in mathematical physics.
UQ Idea Hub is a startup pre-incubator for the aspiring, the inspiring and the ambitious.
Job Description:
Marketing, video production
Video production with a key focus and skills in social media marketing
Hype Spin Labs
Hype is UQ's newest sports accelerator it has an Australia-wide intake in the VR/AR space, marketing, fan analytics, athlete performance, Esports and injury management. At the end of the program teams will pitch at the Commonwealth Games and one team will receive $25,000 in prize money.
Job Description:
Events, Marketing
Shows initiative, interested in startups, some interest in sport, familiar with social media, video production, assisting in events etc
澳洲IT匠人的十位资深导师根据商业开发中的实际需求和澳洲人才市场中对web developer的要求,专门设计和打造了最新项目实战课程--Web开发工程师暑期强化训练营。通过此项目,IT学生可以短期内提升就业所需相关技能,并获得更多项目经验。
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