很多正在准备PTE的考生都会卡听力,尤其是目标79分的同学。而其中SST又是大家最容易出问题、最不知道该怎么提高的题型。今天Grace老师就专门以最近的高频考题Student Loan为例,给大家做一个题目的示范讲解。希望大家可以举一反三,一举攻破这道PTE当中非常难的题目。
CHRISTINE HILL: I'm 43 years oldand I owe tens of thousands of dollars in student loans. Oh sure, I knew theloans were piling up as I went through school. But with one loan coming fromhere, another from there, I had no idea of the rockslide that was building.Fifteen years later, I still experience moments of sheer horror regarding myfamily's financial situation. My monthly student loan payment is more thantriple my car payment.
Okay, so without my college degreeI would not have been able to get my current job. For that I'm grateful, but atwhat cost? My loans have been accruing at a rate of 10 percent and now theyhave burgeoned to - well, I'm an English major; you do the math. I don't thinkthey'll ever get paid off. We're in debt way past our eyeballs. And there's nohope in sight. I'm being kept in class, a financial class of graduates whoseonly hope for attending college meant borrowing money from the government.
Becauseof our mounting credit card debt and monthly payments that far exceed our family'sincome, my kids will also join the class of citizens who can't rely on theirparents for college support.