12 344 - Telstra
12 23 - Optus
13 2200 (建议不要打这个电话,因为等的时间又长,选项有多,嘿嘿,打过的人都知道,不过是全天24小时的)
1800 678 876 (普通话) - 这个应该是首选,因为是free的,不过开通 时间好像是mon-fri 9-9pm
125 111 - 关于mobile 的 enquiry
1800 266 000 - 关于internet 的 enquiry
Telephony, internet, television 133 937
Mobile 1300 300 937
Mobile pre-paid 1300 555 002
Small business 133 343
Internet technical support 133 937
connect to vodafone mobile: 1300 30 30 30
customer service from voda. mobile: 1555 (free call from vodafone mobile)
0414 14 14 14
Orange: 133 488
Digiplus(1441): 1300 36 1441
AAPT: 13 88 86 (existing customer)
13 86 88 (new customer)
13 16 83
telstra: 1800 882 365
Optus: 1800 502 233
Foxtel: 131 999
Telpacific(hello): 1300 369 888
Froggy: 1300 739 111
OzeMail: 9906 6445
iPrimus: 1300 85 11 85
iHug: 13 62 92
Telstra, Optus, AAPT, Digiplus电话同上
Sydney Water:
24 Hour Emergency Hotline : 13 20 90
General Enquiries: 13 20 92
Energy Australian :
Residential Enquiries 13 15 35
Business Enquiries 13 13 67
Electricity Emergency Service Line (EnergyAustralia's Network) 13 13 88
Gas Emergency Service Line 13 19 09
NSW & SA: 131 245 Gas and electricity enquiries
VIC: 133 000 Gas enquiries
131 245 Electricity enquirie
National Bank:
Telephone enquiries 13 22 65 Mon-Fri 8am - 8pm AEST
Personal Banking 13 22 65 Mon-Fri 8am - 8pm AEST
Business Banking 13 10 12 For lending or product information 7 days 8am - 9pm
Internet Banking 1300 651 656 7 days 8am - 12am AEST
Telephone Banking 13 22 65 7 days - 24 hours self service
Personal lending and investments 13 13 12 7 days 8am - 9pm AEST
National Insurance 13 29 28 Mon - Fri 8am - 9pm AEST
Personal account enquiries / Tel Banking 132 032 / (+61 2) 9293 9270 (from
Lost and stolen cards 1300 651 089 / (61 2) 9374 7082 (from overseas)
General Banking /phone banking 13 2221
Net Bank 13 2828
St. George:
Customer Service 13 33 30 8am - 9pm (EST), 7 days a week / 61 13 33 30 (from
Phone Banking (Automated Service) 13 33 22
Phone Banking and Internet Banking Help Line 1300 555 203 / +61 2 9845
4160(from overseas)
Report loss or theft of your St.George ATM Card or Credit Card 1800 028 208 /
61 2 9553 5883 (outside Australia)
General Enquiries and Phone Banking 13 13 14, 8:00am-8:00pm weekdays.
International +61 3 9683 9999
Lost or Stolen Credit Cards 1800 033 844, all hours.
(International +61 3 9683 7043)
Bank of china:
York St (612) 9267 5188
Chinatown (612) 9212 3877
Parramatta (612) 98938833
Melbourne (613) 96023655
Customer Service 1300 308 008 (English)
1300 309 388 (Cantonese & Mandarin)
VISA 132 152
American Express 1300 308 880 (General Enquiries)
1300 132 639 (Lost/Stolen)
ATM Card 1300 308 788 (Lost/Stolen)
CitiPhone - Within Australia 13 24 84
Outside Australia +61 7 3310 6015
133 888 (within Australia)
+61 133 888 (outside Australia)
Investor Services 133 665
Medibank 132 331
MBF MBF Members 131 137
Non Members / Sales Enquiries 132 623
Corporate Members 1300 653 525
HCF Existing members call 13 13 34
New members call 13 14 39
NIB Phone: 13 14 63 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 8.30pm, Saturday 8am to 1pm
DIMIA 131 881
悉尼领事馆 8595 8002
地址:39, Dunblane St. Camperdown NSW 2050
(RPA hospital 对面的一条小街)
New Zealand (02) 9223 0222 - 如果你要去NZ旅游的话
55 Hunter Street Sydney NSW 2000
NRMA 132 132 / 61 2 9848 5201 (from overseas)
Roadside Assistance (24 hours, country and metro areas) 13 11 11
GIO 13 10 10
AAMI 13 22 44
SGIC 133 233
All Motor Registry telephone enquiries should be directed to 13 22 13.
Current traffic information can be obtained by calling 132 701.
All Traffic Condition and Signal Fault reports should be directed to 131
Technical enquiries regarding Vehicle Regulations should be directed to 1300
137 302.
Calls from outside Australia only: 6124 925 1805 during normal business hours
for Sydney
Cityrail 131 500
Budget Car & Truck Rental 13 27 27
Europcar Car & Truck Rental 13 1390
Avis Australia 13 6333
Britz Campervan Rentals 1800 331 454 2WD & 4WD Campervan Operators
Delta Car & Truck Rental 13 7271
Hertz 1300 132 607
Ascot Car Rental 13 2494
Luxury Car Hire 1800 775 577
St George Cabs 13 2166
Premier Cabs 13 1017
Servicemen's Cabs 9581 1111
Taxis Combined Services 8332 8888
Tafe NSW Information Centre 131 601
USYD Main switchboard: +61 2 9351 2222 (9AM to 5PM)
International Student centre: +61 2 9351 4079 / 9351 4161
Summer School: +61 2 9351 5542
CET: +61 2 9351 0706
Student Centre: +61 2 9351 3023 / 9351 6067
Foundation: +61 2 8303 9700 - Taylors college
Switchboard: +61 2 9385 1000
International office: +61 2 9385 6996
Student centre: +61 2 9385 4799
Institute of Language +61 2 9385 0339
Foundation Year: +61 2 9385 5396
Switchboard +61 2 9580 7111
International Student Enquiries 1800 1818 28
from china 10 800 61 00 241
Student Enquiry Service +61 2 9850 6410
Undergraduate Enquiries +61 2 9850 7314
Postgraduate Enquiries +61 2 9850 9222
SIBT +61 2 9850 6222
Switchboard: +61 2 4221 3555
Prospective Students 1300 367 869
All general enquiries +61 2 4221 3927 - for current students
International student fees enquiries 61 2 4221 3182 - for current
General Enquiries +61 2 9514 2000
Student Info & Admin Centre: +61 2 9514 1222
International Programs Office: +61 2 9514 1531
Insearch: +61 2 9218 8688
IELTS: +61 2 9514 1536
+61 2 9931 9200
Switchboard + 61 2 9852 5222
Course Information Centre: 1800 897 669
International office + 61 2 4570 1773
Karaoke World
Basement/ 185 Elizabeth St Sydney 2000
(02) 9267 5011
Kmix Karaoke Restaurant
259 Pitt St Sydney 2000
(02) 9262 7763
Cash Box
Level1,63/ 69 Dixon St Sydney 2000
(02) 9281 3899
Greenbox Karaoke Restaurant Pty Ltd
Shp1/ 338 Pitt St Sydney 2000
(02) 9261 3991
Viva Karaoke
210 Clarence St Sydney 2000
(02) 9283 7733
Big Echo Karaoke Box
104 Bathurst St Sydney 2000
(02) 9283 2666