「灭雅思导读」今日小雅哥为童鞋们准备一篇雅思范文,虽然用的词汇不是很“大”但一样可以拿到理想的雅思写作高分更多写作范文请输入「范文」查看;雅思口语一直是童鞋们比较头疼的部分,很多烤鸭不知道如何取悦考官,以下针对每个口语评分标准作了一个check list请需要的童鞋收藏,更多口语内容请输入「口语」查看。
范文2014.08.16 Task2
「Topic」Government encourage industries and businesses move out from cities to regional areas. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?
The population density in urban areas has increased dramatically over recent decades as more and more people move into the city. As a result, some governments have encouraged businesses to move to regional areas. I believe this strategy is more positive than negative and I will discuss why in this essay.
Amongst the drawbacks of this policy, there may be greater levels of pollution in regional and remote areas. Moving manufacturing plants to regional areas, especially plants that produce high levels of pollution, may lead to damaging effects on the surrounding areas. Cleaner living is certainly a positive aspect of country locations and moving factories out of cities threatens that. For instance, the Mississippi River in the United States is extremely dirty due to dumping and waste from factories located near the river.
Conversely, moving organisations and companies out of cities can help reduce crowding. As previously noted, inner city populations are higher than ever, which has led to several drawbacks and problems. Moving organisations out of cities will also attract workers and employees to follow, leading to less crowding in a city. Personally, I would have accepted a position working for a company located in regional Victoria if not for an issue with my working rights at the time.
In my opinion, in addition to the social benefit mentioned above, economic benefits make this policy more advantageous than detrimental. When companies and workers move to regional areas, local economies can grow and expand. More services need to be offered to accommodate those that move. Increased construction, trade and money flow to regional areas when companies move there.
In conclusion, I personally feel that the reduction of crowding in cities and the benefits to regional areas outweigh the negative environmental effects on regional areas, which makes the decision to draw businesses out of cities a good choice.
307 words – 40 minutes
中国式烤鸭口语平均得分 Band 5.5
雅思考官对于烤鸭的强弱项早就了然于胸了。中国烤鸭们都知道词汇是他们的强项,但是流利度、连贯性和语音语调却是他们的软肋。这并不是说每个学生都有这样的问题。中国烤鸭的平均雅思成绩是 Band 5.5. 考官们把这个叫“锯齿图式”,因为考鸭们的分数波动呈锯齿装。
「无忧小雅哥 mr_51ielts」提醒烤鸭们,拉低你分数的是你的弱项而非你的强项。所以,记住要不断强化你的优势,同时还要重点改善你的弱点,这样最终才会有好的结果 :)
「FC」Fluency & coherence; 流利度与连贯性
「GA」Grammar Range & Accuracy; 语法准确性与精确性
「LR」Lexical Resource 词汇的丰富度
「PR」Pronunciation 语音语调的流畅与清晰度
Fluency & Coherence流利度与连贯性
Can I speak at length on a topic? 能否详尽地就一个话题侃侃而谈?
Have I organised my ideas logically? 观点叙述有逻辑吗?
Have I used appropriate linking words? 有没有用到合适、恰当的逻辑连接词?
Do I speak clearly and smoothly? 是否讲得清晰且平顺?
Grammatical Range & Accuracy语法张度与准确性
Have I used a variety of simple, compound and complex sentences? 是否混合着使用了简单句、复合句和复杂句?
HaveI used a range of structures to convey modality, conditionals, active/passive, cause/effect and tenses?是否用了不同的结构去传递语法的正确形式、条件句、主被动语态、因果句、时态?
How well can the assessor understand me even though I have made some errors? 在偶尔有错误的前提下,考官能多大程度上的理解我所讲的话?
Lexical Resource词汇的丰富度
Are the words and expressions I use appropriate and accurate? 所使用得词和习语是否合适并且准确?
Do I have a good range of vocabulary to cover the topic? 所使用得词频是否涵盖足够广泛,而非单一只能运用某一个词汇段?
Have I used correct word forms? 是否正确地使用了单词的形式?
Have I used some idiomatic language? 是否使用了一些习惯用语?
How well can I talk about personal and familiar topics? 能良好的谈论个人和自己熟悉的话题?
How well can I discuss more abstract topics? 能良好的讨论更抽象的话题?
Have I pronounced my words correctly? 单词发音是否正确?
How appropriately have I used stress and intonation? 是否正确重读了单词,我们语调如何?
How well can the interviewer understand me? 考官能听懂我吗?
Is my voice strong and clear? 声音是否自信并且清晰?