最近PTE的题库仍然在不断的更新,SWT近期我们搜寻到了3、4篇完整的文章。有的一些一直在备考的同学可能知道,PTE原本有一篇skipping breakfast的SWT文章,近期题库又出现了第二个版本。今天我们就带大家一起来看一下这篇新鲜出炉的skipping breakfast(version2)。
以下是高频考题 Skipping Breakfast (version2) 的分析
第一段在However之前,整个部分是在描述大部分人不吃早餐的原因:bad timing。初次以外,人们在该吃早餐的时候通常都是为了装扮自己(matters of grooming, attire),是自己看起来得体清新。“Skipping Breakfast Has Drawbacks - It’s no mystery why so many people routinely skip breakfast: bad timing. It comes at a time when folks can be more occupied with matters of grooming, attire and otherwise making themselves presentable for a new day.”
第二段从However开始说到了这篇段落的重点,即不吃早餐会带来给人什么影响。影响包括:学习、记忆和体能,这些都会因为不吃早餐而受到危害。紧接着作者举了3个例子。有的同学可能觉得我怎么知道它是举例子呢,答案就是你看那写并列的结构,第一个例子是Students,他们不吃早餐会造成他们学习效率降低(not as efficient);第二个例子是schoolchildren,他们不吃早餐,记忆、学习新知识能力和体能就下降;第三个例子是adults,他们不吃早餐也一样会损害他们的思想。基本是对应however这句话所讲的不吃早餐会影响人类的三点,所以既可以把这些看成是例子,也可以看成是从三个人群角度具体解释。“However, studies conducted both in the United States and internationally have shown that skipping breakfast can affect learning, memory and physical well-being. Students who skip breakfast are not as efficient at selecting critical information for problem-solving as their peers who have had breakfast. For schoolchildren, skipping breakfast diminishes the ability to recall and use newly acquired information, verbal fluency, and control of attention, according to Ernesto Pollitt, a UC Davis professor of pediatrics whose research focuses on the influence of breakfast on mental and physical performance. Skipping breakfast can impair thinking in adults, also.”
第三段是从Both children and adults这句开始,作者已经结束不吃早餐的坏处,转而开始讲吃早餐的好处以及推荐什么样的早餐。“For both children and adults, a simple bowl of cereal with milk goes a long way toward providing a sufficiently nutritious start to the day. Green-Burgeson recommends choosing a cereal that’s low in sugar — less than five grams per serving — and using nonfat or one percent milk.”
第四段则是从Prederick这个学者研究成果及他说的话这边到最后。他所说的重点其实就是Forbabies andpreschoolers, 早餐实质上是“learned experience”而非一个“biological need”。“Frederick Hirshburg, a pediatrician at UC Davis Medical Group, Carmichael, says that babies and other preschoolers rarely skip breakfast because “they’re usually the hungriest at the beginning of the day. Breakfast then becomes more of a “learned experience” than a response to a biological need, Hirshburg says.”
Although people usually skip breakfast to attire themselves due to bad timing, studies have shown that skipping breakfast affects learning, memory and physical well-being of students, school children and adults because a bowl of cereal with milk provides a sufficiently nutritious start to the day, and Frederick says that breakfast becomes a “learned experience” for babies and other preschoolers.