2015.08.08 Academic Task 2
In many countries, more and more people have to travel long distances to work every day. Why is this the case? What can be done to solve this problem?
【这个题目真的是不难写的。老题不说,还考了Reason & Solution的题型,烤鸭们要是写偏题了或者文章结构还有问题的话,那可真的是说不过去了哦!~】
As transportation options have increased, the restrictions on where people can work have been lifted. However, more and more people now face long commutes on a day-to-day basis. The reason for this is because people cannot afford to live where their jobs are located, and in order to solve this, governments can provide subsidized housing and incentives for companies to move out of cities.
【Introduction段落该写什么,相信大家自己都一定有一个思维定式。没错,开头段循规蹈矩的写就好!Paraphrase the topic and then give your own opinion. 仅仅两大内容,就能构成一个漂亮的Introduction。】
As to the cause of longer commutes, housing costs the most in urban areas where most of the jobs exist. Studies have shown that the global population is more urbanized than it has ever been, and as a result, there are more jobs in cities to cater to the greater number of people. However, housing also costs the most within city centres, like Melbourne, where small studio apartments can cost upwards of two thousand dollars a month.
【显而易见,这段作者的主要内容是Reasons,是why people have to travel long distance to work. 通勤族有一个专门的名词叫做commuters, 烤鸭们一定要学会这个词哦!~ 因为在听力中,这个单词也是有可能被考到的哦!】
In response to this issue, government funded housing options could make it more affordable to live where jobs are. Many cities provide assistance or rent control to lower housing costs, like both major cities I have lived in, Denver in the US and Melbourne in Australia. Using more public funds to build even more housing options could bring down costs, which would allow more people to live in the city.
Otherwise, another option would be to reduce crowding by offering incentives to companies to move out of cities. When factories are located in rural areas, like SPC Ardmona in Shepparton, Victoria, entire towns can thrive as a result. In recent years, the Victorian government provided relief for the company to remain in the town and similar incentives could encourage companies to move to areas where housing is more affordable and lowers commute times for the people who live there.
【除了上一段落所提到的解决办法,作者又提出了另一个办法—— 那一些工厂移去郊外的地方。工作和住所便不再离得很远,不再需要travel long distance了。】
In conclusion, more people now travel further to get to work simply because they cannot afford to live where they work, but subsidized housing and incentives for companies to leave cities could improve the situation.
雅思写作的用词,并不讲究大而难,考官看重的是准确&易懂。语法亦是如此,不讲究长难句,而注重error free sentences.
8月18号,周二 16:00-18:00,
悉尼大学 , New law S105 教室
8月19号, 周三 16:00-18:00,
新南威尔士大学, Ainsworth 102
8月20号,周四 16:00-18:00
UTS, CB05B.01.12
“无忧小雅哥” (mr_51ielts)及“悉尼雅思姐”(mrs_51ielts)