
2016年05月01日 澳洲金融圈


Weekly review:(26/04—29/04)



1. BUD: 4月26日该公司公告称The Lono Intelligent Wi-Fi Sprinkler Controller, utilizing Buddy Platform’s (ASX:BUD) Internet-of-Things (IOT) Data Graph, is in production and available for sale in The Home Depot. 而The Home Depot是北美最大额度家装零售商。受此消息影响,BUD股价冲高至17.5C,随后回落,在14C-15C区间窄幅震荡,保持关注。

2. EXC: 公告It has received commitments from professional and sophisticated investors, including a well-known small cap resources fund out of Sydney, to raise an additional $0.5 million. 这次募资发行股票的价格在4C,上周该股最低价3.7C,收盘4.5C,K线形态为上升三角形整理,关注能否突破阻力位4.8C.

3. LOM: 周二公告The recovery of more large gem-quality diamonds from ongoing trial mining of the E46 alluvial terraces at the Lulo Diamond Project in Angola. 本周LOM由34.5C涨至40C整数关口。逢低买入,第一支撑位37C.

4. XTV: 上周利好之后最大涨幅接近400%,是上周当之无愧的明星,下周复牌,预计后续利好的可能性非常大,密切关注公司公告。

5. IOT: 在本周没有利好的情况下,最高价6.4C,较上周收盘价3.7,最大涨幅接近80%,周五冲高回落,保持谨慎。

6. AZY: 周二无利好公告创出近期新高,随后回落整理,整体仍在上升趋势中。

7. SGQ公告high-grade massive nickel-copper sulphide mineralization has been intersected at the Mt Alexander Project in West Australia. 随后跳空高开,周五创出新高25C,较上周收盘价12.5C涨幅达到100%。

8. MKB: 周二涨幅25%,周三公告the REC*IT app has seen over 703,000 unique first launches by users, an increase of more than 200,000 since the start of 2016. 随后回落。非常典型的先知先觉的资金提前入场,然后借利好抛售。

9. SEH: 周三公告its Joint Venture partner announces intention to sell its entire 51% stake for US$220 million cash。这意味着SEH手中49%的股权也值US$211million,而看一下它的报表,债务不大,手里还有大把现金,之前的股价是被低估的。冲高之后在8.5C受到支撑,周最大涨幅45%。

10. ZIP: 公司三季度的quarterly review对用户增长和现金流保持乐观,该公司股价自去年9月高点$1.45一路下跌,至周五收盘价24.5C,本周低点20C的价格有可能成为底部,孕育中长线机会。

11. TAP: Update on the Manora Oil Development, production from the two wells is expected to return Manora to its plateau rate of 15,000 bopd gross (4500 bopd net to TAP).本周涨幅50%,仍在上升趋势中,缺点就是market depth too thin,交易起来有难度。

12. KNL: 周二股价由16.5C涨至19C,随后周三的季报里表示it is on track for development of the world-class Epanko Graphite Project. 技术形态关注19C阻力位。

13. CNX: 周五公告To play key role in pioneering Chinese UCG research centre。股价上涨20%。

14. NEA: 周五公告称Accelerated growth in our Australian business, building the foundations in the US and enhancing technology leadership. 本周涨幅35.5%

15. POH: 本周开盘0.9C,收盘2.7C,涨幅高达300%。原因是公司宣传It has signed a licence option agreement for its TPM/Oxymorphone patch and also a strategic research and development (R&D) alliance for three additional pharmaceutical products with one of Japan’s largest healthcare companies and a member of the Nikkei 225.密切关注下周能否延续强势。

16. MGC:大家都熟悉的德运奶粉,由于业绩预告不达标,管理层变动,该股周三跳空低开,跌幅高达40%,$1.20附近止跌,技术形态上完全破败。虽然很多人看好奶粉股,但是这种形态,还是建议大家回避。因为价格不是我们买入的原因,趋势才是,等趋势走好,随时可以入场,可如果一旦被套,内心要受煎熬,还要放弃原本可以从别的股票上赚钱的机会。与其选一个弱势的股博反弹,不如做一支强势的股。



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