
2020年03月20日 悉尼之家

3月20日,中国驻悉尼总领馆致信澳大利亚《每日电讯报》(The Daily Telegraph),批驳该报此前刊发的涉新冠肺炎疫情不实报道。全文如下:







Misinformation is as dangerous as the virus itself

On 19 March, the Daily Telegraph newspaper published an article headlined "China COVID cover-up", alleging that the Chinese government had tried to destroy Coronavirus samples and conceal the truth about the epidemic. This groundless reporting has sent out a seriously distorted message and the Chinese Consulate General in Sydney is strongly opposed to it.
Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus epidemic, China has consistently put people's safety and health first and adopted the most comprehensive, strict and thorough prevention and control measures. China’s efforts have achieved a positive outcome.  At the same time, the Chinese government has taken an open, transparent and highly responsible attitude in informing about the epidemic both domestically and globally in a timely manner and in promoting international cooperation. China's prevention and control measures and results are obvious to all and have been widely praised by the United Nations, the World Health Organization and many countries.
Viruses transcend borders. The outbreak of this epidemic is a common threat to mankind. Countries around the world should abandon their prejudices and unite as one to deal with it, instead of raising suspicions and pointing fingers at each other.  We urge the Daily Telegraph newspaper to respect the facts, stop smear campaigns against China, and do more to help the international prevent and control efforts rather than the other way around.

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