澳洲房市火爆 李嘉诚准备在悉尼大展拳脚【转】

2014年08月08日 美沃澳洲地产

《澳洲人》7日报道,亚洲首富、香港商界巨鳄李嘉诚决心在澳洲房地产市场大展拳脚。目前,李嘉诚旗下新加坡上市房地产企业泓富资产(ARA Asset Management)正通过自己的“顶峰发展基金”(Summit Development Fund)配置资本,布局澳洲与东南亚房地产市场。


泓富资产基金总裁Ng Beng Tiong表示,该公司主要目标是悉尼和墨尔本的房地产市场。他暗示泓富资产可能在澳洲进行一系列房地产项目开发,称该公司目前正在为写字楼、零售、居民及工业房地产项目选择合适的开发地址。

Ng Beng Tiong指出:“我们已经做好准备,事实上也一直寻找签署开发协议的机会。”但他并未透露该公司计划在未来几年将在澳洲购买多少土地。“没有计划量,这要视具体情况而定”。

此外,就泓富资产是否会收购澳洲工程和基建集团莱顿控股(Leighton Holdings)在售的莱顿地产(Leighton Properties)问题,Ng Beng Tiong也未予置评,但他称该公司“乐于”与澳洲本土开发商合作。


除涉足房地产外,李嘉诚的澳洲商业版图还扩展至澳洲能源领域。据《澳洲金融评论》(AFR)7日报道,澳洲天然气管道运营商APA Group已宣布,将把旗下天然气分销商Envestra的全部控制权售予李嘉诚旗下的长江实业集团(Cheung Kong Group)。长江实业集团也是泓富资产的母公司。

据悉,就在长江实业集团收购报价到期的前一天,APA Group宣布将向前者出售所持有的33%的Envestra股份,折合税前利润为4.3亿元。

APA Group执行董事麦克考迈克(Mick McCormack)表示,长江实业集团提出的每股1.32元的收购报价“远高于我们对Envestra业务的估值。即便是在我们完全控股的情况下,也比我们的估值要高”。

在APA Group宣布出售Envestra股份前,长江实业集团已持有Envestra近40%的股份,其中36.06%的股份为该公司直接持有,另外3.09%的股份通过机构投资者持有。而长江实业集团成功收购APA Group所持有的Envestra股份后,其所持股份将远超过50%,完全获得Envestra的控制权。


THE richest man in Asia, Hong Kong-based business magnate Li Ka-shing, is intent on gaining a foothold in the Australian property market.

Mr Li’s Singapore-listed company ARA Asset Management is running the ruler over local sites as it looks to deploy capital into Southeast Asia and Australia, through its Summit Development Fund.

ARA Private Funds chief executive Ng Beng Tiong told The Australian that the group was looking largely at Sydney and Melbourne.

He indicated that ARA could develop a wide range of properties, saying that the group was looking at sites for office, retail, residential and industrial projects.

“We are ready and in fact, have been looking at deals,” Mr Ng said.

He would not be drawn on how many sites the group aimed to buy over the next few years.

“(There is) no predetermined number. (It) depends on individual merits,” he said.

Mr Ng declined to say whether ARA was bidding for Leighton Properties, which is being sold by Leighton Holdings. But he said the group would be “happy” to work with local developers.

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