中国企业国际化人才环球搜索80天是 Lockin China 联合海外大学官方打造的海外人才招聘季。
Lockin China 招聘专家将携企业HR和不断加入的超 500个雇主 的 10000多个 适合2016/17应届生职位和 3000多个 适合在校生的实习机会,漂洋过海,走遍世界每一个角落,只为找到你!
来参加 The University of Western Australia Host,Lockin China 举办,
面向全珀斯及西澳大利亚周边地区开放 的校园落地 Workshop,你将获得:
一网打尽10,000个职位 的武林秘籍
与企业HR面对面 展示自己才华的机会
最新的 国内求职行情
最高效的简历 写作方法
网申 陷阱 剖析,笔试样题 解析
最真实的 群面 单面 模拟及 现场点评
你 更将获得
不用 再和国内 7,000,000 大学毕业生一同竞争
Lockin China 和你的大学这么努力,就是要让你
→ 活动时间:2016年8月10日,16:00-20:30
→ 活动地点:K House Seminar Room, University Hall, The University of Western Australia
点击右侧 “我要报名” 按钮,填写姓名学校信息立即 确认席位
活动当天请携带手机 现场扫描课件二维码
下载 完全免费 的习题。
落地 Workshop 内容及时间安排:
Pre-work Training Program is a job-seeking guidance program developed by the overseas recruitment expert Lockin China. It is a program with a total of 5 sessions, tailored for Chinese returnees in understanding the Chinese job market, career plan, internship application and training on necessary skills for campus recruitment including resume writing, online application and interview. With the help of these sessions, students could master within a very short time the essentials for job seeking preparation before they graduate. Hot job positions as well as mock tests and interviews will also be involved in the program, which would help graduates succeed in job seeking.