Swisse Ultiboost Liver Detox helps support liver health and aid detoxification and digestion.
The liver is the largest internal organ of the human body and is responsible for eliminating toxins, aiding digestion and helping regulate metabolism.
Swisse Ultiboost Liver Detox contains premium ingredients such as St. Marys thistle and globe artichoke to help maintain and protect healthy liver function and regenerate liver cells. These ingredients also help relieve indigestion and bloating.
St. Mary's Thistle contains antioxidant properties and can help improve skin health and reduce blemishes via its detoxification action on the liver. The Skin is the body's largest eliminatory organ, when the liver is functioning properly the body is not as reliant on the skin for eliminating toxins.
Globe artichoke helps stimulate bile flow from the gall bladder to assist the liver digest fats. Adequate bile flow is important for a healthy liver as bile is involved in the breakdown of fats and the detoxification process.
Swisse Ultiboost Liver Detox also contains turmeric, which has long been used as an anti-inflammatory, and helps combat potential free radical damage to the liver. It also works to relax the digestive system and relieve spasm, cramps and bloating. It also stimulates bile production in the liver and encourages excretion of bile via the gallbladder. This improves the body's ability to digest fats.
Globe artichoke:朝鲜蓟 1g (Cynara scolymus extract equiv. to fresh leaf 1.0 g)
St Mary's thistle: 奶蓟草 2.5g (Silybum marianum fruit 2.5g, flavanolignans calculated as silybin 28.6 mg)
Turmeric: 姜黄 1.5g (Curcuma longa rhizome 1.5 g, curcuminoids 48.75 mg)
Globe artichoke 朝鲜蓟:又名洋蓟、菊蓟。为菊科多年生草本植物,因其花蕾形似百合而得名“法国百合”。在欧洲,朝鲜蓟是一直用作消化不良的草药,朝鲜蓟提取物用于包括腹痛、腹胀、恶心等消化道疾病,朝鲜蓟的提取物可以有效地降血脂及抗动脉粥样硬化。朝鲜蓟的提取物具有很强的抗氧化作用。此外,它还能提高肠蠕动,促进肠壁收缩,使肠中物质能较快运送,从而预防便秘。
St Mary's thistle 奶蓟草:又称乳蓟草,英文名为Milk Thistle,原产于地中海。在西方国家利用奶蓟草**肝病已约有2000年历史。奶蓟草能激活肝脏蛋白的再生,恢复被酒精和病毒所破坏的肝细胞的活性,还可清除自由基、维持肝脏细胞膜的通透性,降低毒素对肝脏的损伤,保护长期饮酒伤肝和患有急慢性肝炎、脂肪肝、肝硬化和中毒性肝损害的人群。肝脏可调节血液中胆固醇的含量,避免胆固醇沉积于血管壁而引起的血管硬化,因此,养护好了肝脏,对于高血脂、高血压等症状也有改善作用。奶蓟的相关产品在欧美国家非常畅销,常见于一般健康食品或药品, 在台湾被列为处方用药,许多药厂皆有生产含奶蓟萃取物silymarin之保肝药,在美国是被视为健康食品。
Turmeric 姜黄:姜黄是一种多年生有香味的草本植物,既有药用价值,又可以做食品调料,姜黄素能抑制脂肪酸的合成,因此具有降血脂作用。姜黄还具有抗氧化作用和抗炎症功效。
有些人刚开始服用Swisse Ultiboost肝脏排毒片时可能会感到明显的排毒效果。他们可能因此会感到头痛、昏睡或者其他类似感冒的症状。这种情况下,你可以继续服用本品,但是要减量!
2.如果我在吃排毒餐,可以服食Swisse Ultiboost肝脏排毒片吗?
可以的。Swisse Ultiboost肝脏排毒片能让你排毒更好。
3. Swisse Ultiboost肝脏排毒片可以帮助减肥吗?
4.我应该吃Swisse Ultiboost肝脏排毒片吃多久呢?
5.如果我的胆囊切除了,我可以服用Swisse Ultiboost肝脏排毒片吗?
是的。Swisse Ultiboost肝脏排毒片中的天然成分能够保护肝脏和其他消化系统。但是在你有胆囊疾病但是还未切除的时候,是不应该服用本品的,因为Swisse Ultiboost肝脏排毒片中的天然成分可能反而会加剧你的病情。