【专访】Alpha创业大赛导师 迪肯大学 李建新教授

2019年05月20日 AEMS澳大利亚教育与移民服务




Associate Professor School of Information Technology, Deakin University

He obtained his PhD degree by Swinburne University of Technology in 2009. After that, he worked as a Research Fellow in Swinburne in 2009-2014 and as a Lecturer/Early Career Development Fellow in RMIT in 2015. His research interests include social computing, graph database management system, query processing and optimization, big data processing, and transport data analytics. His social computing research has been granted one ARC Discovery Project in 2016-2018. He is an active researcher in database and data mining communities. He has published more 60 high quality research papers in top international conferences and journals including IEEE ICDE, ICDM, EDBT, CIKM, IEEE TKDE. His system iTopic was selected as the Best Demo Award in the 26th WWW conference in 2017. Jianxin is serving as PC members, reviewers and co-organizers in many international conferences.




(李教授与所带博士生Chris Zhao)


As one of the panels and the project supervisors in Alpha Innovation and Contest 2018, I have participated in all the stages from the project selection, presentation, final selection. I was impressed by the performance of all the project teams, the panels and the project supervisors. Every project team delivered excellent proposal, business plan and wonderful oral presentation. The panels and the project supervisors provided professional judgement for all the projects and discussed their marketing opportunities and the possible risks. So I have to say 2018 would be a distinguished year for many people due to the big success of this innovation & contest.

LF:今年Alpha创新创业2019 大赛,您将再次担任大赛评委会成员,并担任墨尔本分会场主要负责人之一,您对本次大赛有何期许及建议?

(李教授与所带博士生Chris Zhao和博士生宋翔宇)


There are many factors or advices I would like to share with the competitors. But one is significant for us to know. A good idea may not be transformed into a successful project. To make the success of the transformation, we need a good platform for sharing the idea and making more people to accept the idea and invest it, e.g., the Alpha Innovation & Contest 2019. In addition, we also need a strong team and implement the idea to a practical project. The remaining is to be persistent until success is achived.



The establishment of Dawan District will provide the strongest engine for the worldwide innovators to achieve their dream project. It provides an economic hub for service providers, service consumers, and investments. All these parties will need innovative viewpoints to develop their future businesses. The startups may overcome more bottlenecks if they can develop their projects aligned with the development and the focuses of Dawan District.


去年我指导的一个团队提出了个性化高等教育市场项目,该团队指出了目前在线教育的弊端,针对在线学生人数越来越多,学生知识背景与职业目标不尽相同。这就需要大学提供每个学生灵活的个性化的学习,并且能针对学生的学习进展,提供学习效果预测与评估,从而避免学生在线课程的辍学率并提高学生学习成绩。经过该团队不懈努力,最终拿到大赛第三名的好成绩。通过创业大赛,该项目获得AEMS教育集团的资助,成功申请到澳大利亚研究理事会(Australia Research Council)2018年度重大研究项目(Linkage Program)。我指导的迪肯大学一个团队将继续拓展这个研究项目,并参加2019年度创新创业大赛。

Last year, one team under my supervision took part in the Alpha Innovation & Contest 2018 and we got the 3rd prize in the contest. Our team pointed out the main weakness of current online educational service providers, i.e., the high dropout rate of students in online course. Therefore, our team proposed a personalized online learning analytics system project to optimize students’ online learning performance and real-time feedback/assessment. With the support of AEMS company, our joint research project has been awarded a major funding from ARC Linkage Project program. This year, I will help supervise one Deakin’s team to continuously participate the contest and share the interesting project with all audience.

LF: 请用一句话鼓励和祝福您的学生及其他参加Alpha 创新创业2019大赛的选手们


Being Creative, Being Persistent, Being Achievement







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