【免费培训】MP & JR Mobile-Vodafone 标准商业销售培训开始报名

2015年05月18日 墨尔本大学广东同学会CSA

MP携手JR Mobile给大家带来精彩的免费销售培训课程!





3.加入JR Clube获得进一步发展的机会




本次MP联合JR Mobile进行的营销技能培训共有三期(所以说第一期无法参加的小伙伴们也不要纠结,还有其他的两次机会哦~)。课程将由两部分组成,分别是注重销售知识和技巧的workshop,以及让参与者亲身实践的实战环节

每期课程由一次workshop和一次销售实践组成。Workshop时长2-3个小时,主要由来自JR Mobile Vodafone的专业培训人员讲授。

销售实践将在workshop结束之后的一周之内进行,由JR Mobile 的销售人员带领本期参与同学前往目标客户的办公室进行JR Mobile 相关产品的销售实践。



时间:16/05/2015 周六 9:30am-12:30pm

地点:Monash Uni,Caulfield

第二期课程 workshop& 第三期课程 workshop TBA



联系人:natalie 0425061516 wechat:natalie345


Gene He

Founderof JrMobile andJrClub

Genegraduated from Monash University with Bachelor Degree inMedical Science andlater completed a Master Degree in Public Health.Afterworking in the public health sector as national project coordinator for 7years.Gene decided to pursue a career in sales and service industry. JrMobileandJrClub were born.

Natalie Qiu

Sales Manager at JrMobile

Still completing her bachelor commerce degree at the University ofMelbourne. Natalie has shown enormouspotential at building customer relations,as well as ensuring promising result in closing sales deal. She will guide allparticipant son day to day sales operation.Natalie is also an supervisor at astudent social club.

Tracy Li

Graduated from Monash University and holds a double degree in bothbusiness law andaccounting. Tracy is now a qualified CPA accountant working asa ManagementAccount at head office of Asco, one of the world’s biggest, ASXlisted health communication provider.

With Tracy’s in depth knowledge in listing company operation aswell as her insidein accounting and finance, she will providevaluable input inlarge businessoperation, as well as guiding accounting students acquiring CPAqualificationupon graduatin.

About JR Mobiel & JRClube:

JrClubis a sales skill training Club founded by JrMobile Vodafone.

Eachindividual’s career is no longer predetermined by thespeciality they chose. Careers options areincreasing becoming challenging, yetthere are endless opportunities out there.Your own career path lies in our handand requires your distinctive thinking,your voluminously healthy network aswell as determination. The success of thecareer also fundamentally andinevitably depend on how well you sale yourproduct, your vision and yourself.

Thetraining program shapes new graduates with skills necessary fortheir career development.We provide graduates with inside opportunity to learnthe sales philosophy, andas well as give them an opportunity to expand theirbusiness network.

OurValues are based on three pillars

1.Fun: where participant will enjoy the most outof the process

2.Future: where successfulparticipant will have greater control of theirfuture career prospect

3.Fortune: where successfulparticipant will be financially rewarded

We buildour trainings on three phases.

1. Knowledge based training

An oneand half hours tutorials run through the basic of salesprocess, sales skilland customer relation maintenance.

2. Interactive group activity

An halfhour introduction to Vodafone products, one hour sessionwhere you will utilizethe knowledge acquired in the above tutorial to practiceselling Vodafoneservice to your peers

3. Real world challenge

This isan on going opportunity for participant to visit eachbusiness premises assales representative. The participant will use the skillsacquired above topromote and generate lead for potential customers.

It isalso an excellent opportunity for participants to networkwith various businessowners and discover the opportunity for their futurecareer.


Participantwill get paid for each salethey generated in the process. Outstanding salesperson will have an opportunityto become a full time sales professional atJrMobile Vodafone who will beentitle to packaged salary and sales bonuscommission.


联系人:natalie 0425061516 wechat:natalie345


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