2015.05.09 A类大作文范文
Governments should only spend on public services, but not waste on arts such as music and painting. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Art and music have long been records, examples and symbols of a culture or period of time, yet some have put forth the argument that governments should not set aside any money to pay for such activities, but should only pay for public services. Personally, I disagree with the view that arts and music should not receive any funding, but I would agree that resources can be reduced during tough economic times.
【Introduction首句给出了背景,并引出了题目是否应该只给公共设施提供资金,而不应该给予艺术方面任何的经济支持。本段中类似于put forth, set aside,tough economic times这些短语都是非常值得摘录的。】
Granted, every government has restrictive budgets when addressing a variety of necessary public services. Education, welfare, defence, healthcare and the construction and maintenance of infrastructure are some of the many public services that consume vast amounts of governmental funding. While those activities are certainly costly, tax revenue, as the main source of income for governments, can only be spread so far. With greater demand for funds than supply, governments must make tough choices, and that dilemma is exemplified in Australia, where large cuts are expected in the upcoming budget release for 2015.
Regardless of the limited amount of funds, arts and music are cultural imperatives. Music can often define a generation, like it did with the evolution of Rock and Roll during the 1950s, 60s and 70s. Art can also represent a culture and changing views, much in the same way that it did during the French Revolution. As music and art represent the feelings, beliefs and culture for not only groups of people, but also periods of time, it is necessary that music and art be kept alive.
【尽管资金有限,但是艺术和音乐都是culture imperatives—can define a generation。例如Rock and roll, 例如在French revolution时期。 最后重申,音乐和艺术,需要被keep alive。 】
Personally, I believe minimal amounts should be set aside for music and arts regardless of the current economic environment. Modern governments must decide how best to use funds in a way that allows for the social and economic stability of their nation, but art needs to have some allotted funding. During tough times, resources for arts and music is often reduced first, and rightly so, but they should also receive additional funding during better times.
In summary, every government is tasked with deciding how to support the needs of its citizens, butgiven the importance of art and music throughout history, funding for art and music is a categorical imperative.
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下周二,就是5月19日18:30-20:30,墨尔本无忧雅思会在Monash Caulfield会给大家带来雅思饕餮之夜!届时,会有无忧写作主讲Jeffrey从考官的角度清晰的帮大家解读官方的雅思写作评分标准,并教会大家如何在做一个完整的细致的审题的同时,也做好段落与段落的连接,并用正确的写作逻辑去构思。
之前RMIT站,现场互动频频,欢声笑语,大家都踊跃提问,相信很多小烤鸭们都解答了内心的疑惑。错过之前RMIT站的小伙伴们,这次Monash Caulfield站不要再错过了哦!~
号外:届时还会有无忧雅思4个7的学员给大家传授自己的备考经验和心路历程哦!~ 想要了解4个7的备考方法,赶紧来听听前辈们怎么说吧!~
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18:30 -- 20:30 H H839
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