【写作】Writing Band 7 Template 7

2014年09月05日 7PLUS英语


7plus雅思教育】98日写作白班火爆招生本周内报名有$100 off还在等什么?Early bird早过7垂询热线:03 867605880430583358


7plus雅思】Writing Band 7 Template 7

IELTS Essay, topic: Advertising

Advertising is all around us, it is anunavoidable part of everyone’s life. Some people say that advertising is apositive part of our lives while others say it is a negative one. Discuss bothviews and include your own opinion. Give reasons for your answer and includeany relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should writeat least 250 words.

Many people wonder about advertisement. Some people thinkthat it has negative impact in our life. However, others said it has beenplaying as positive effect on this world. This is not an easyessay to be answered, but I will look at this issue.

Why advertisement has been playing a negativeeffect in our life ? Of Course for several reasons: firstly, itmotivates the psychological point in everyone, especially women. They will runto buy this advertised product especially if it’s from cosmetic roof, justto show their beauty to men, which will lead to more offender and raped cases.Secondly, you can sit comfortably with your family and suddenly thetelephone is ringing, but it’s nothing important, it’s just another company try toconvince you to buy one of their products. It is a real intrusive exampleof advertisement. Lastly, sometimes you do not have the financialability to buy something, but with these new methods of advertisement, you will runto buy it, which will affect your budget.

On the other hand, there are some good sides to advertising.For instance, it compares the prices of many companies which benefittheconsumer. Besides, it really opens our vision to see more productswhich we do not knowit unless the TV or Radio advertised them. Inaddition to, it breaks our daily routine and allows us to see new faces andlearn the language better with the help of the daily updates they deliverthrough advertisement.

In conclusion, as we can see there are many aspects tothis essay. I feel that we gain no benefits at all from advertisement, itplayson minds of people buy more things that they do not need it at all.







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