
2018年11月27日 普华永道澳大利亚

FY18 felt like a record year for transaction volumes as more businesses than ever reached their #onceinalifetime succession milestone. More deals means more due diligence (“DD”) and as a mid-market DD team, we’ve been flat out.  


A strikingly consistent theme across the deals we experience is that many vendors continue to underestimate the data requirements of a buyer’s DD and how the quality of data directly can impact a buyer’s decision about valuation and even whether to proceed with a transaction. DD looks for the devil in the detail and if the detail is not available or does not have integrity, buyers are likely to perceive risk, devalue a business or even walk away.

最近,我们在针对过去曾进行的交易,总结经验后发现一个惊人的事实- 很多卖方低估了买方对于尽职调查数据的要求。其实,数据的质量能直接影响买方对于目标公司的估值,甚至影响是否继续进行交易的最终决策。再者,尽职调查是在寻找细节中的漏洞。在尽职调查的过程中,如果卖方无法提供所需要的数据或提供的数据可疑,买方很可能感知风险,从而降低对所售企业的估值,甚至是放弃交易。

A fundamental misconception is that annual financial statements and the company’s monthly management accounts will be enough to satisfy a buyer’s financial DD needs. For most small to mid-sized private companies, they will not be enough, even if the financial statements are audited.


Owners who fully value the power of data are the most successful vendors – these owners start preparing early, do their homework to understand what data potential buyers will ask for and how they will use it. They themselves (with or without help) collect and analyse the additional data prior to commencing a sale process, and as a consequence are able to maximise their negotiation power and control over the sale process.

能够清楚意识到数据重要性的企业才是最成功的卖方 - 未雨绸缪,做足功课,深入了解潜在买家所需要的数据,以及买方将会如何使用这些数据。因此,早在交易开始之前,这类卖方(无论是否存在外部协助)都会主动收集和分析额外的数据,从而能够最大限度的增加交易过程中的影响力,并在谈判中掌握更多的筹码。

They do DD on their own business before any buyers get the chance!


Owners should ask a dedicated DD expert to help them with their homework, as with any specialist business task or challenge. In most cases this individual or team is different to an owner’s existing tax accountant, auditor or corporate advisor.


With a little help, vendors can be better equipped than they ever have been to maximise the return on their ‘Once in a lifetime’ event, and set themselves and their families up for the next stages of their lives.  And the cost of getting some DD-ready help invariably is paid for multiple times over by the improved sale outcome - trust me, I’m a DD-er.



- 普华澳大利亚合伙人 Alan Elliott

Footnote: Refer to PwC’s tried and tested #SaleReady methodology (a detailed guidebook is also available on request), which outlines 10 tips for owners to consider as they prepare for sale or an investor transaction. #datapowers expands on our #payforsomehousekeeping area of focus. Read more: https://www.pwc.com.au/financial-services/pdf/notes-from-a-mid-market-due-dilligence-er-october-2018.pdf

附注请参考普华永道(PwC)根据经验总结而编制的卖方出售指南,其中提供了卖方在准备出售企业或投资交易时需要考虑的10条建议(参考左下角“阅读全文”)(如有需要,可提供详细的指南)。更多详情,请参阅  <https://www.pwc.com.au/financial-services/pdf/notes-from-a-mid-market-due-dilligence-er-october-2018.pdf>



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