聚澳现场 | 圆满收官!【澳亚商业职业妇女协会徒步远足之二 | Walking Hiking Picking Series 2】

2021年10月05日 聚澳传媒


The Award Ceremony of AABWA’s exclusive event - Walking Hiking Picking Series 2 has come to an end on the 3rd October 2021. The activity was extremely well received among our communities.


It started on 18th September to 30th September (13 days) with a goup of 115 participants. Our activity slogan was ”Love the life we are living”. We had motivate each other to get fitter and happier, radiated a positive outlook and contributed to our environment that we are living in!

今天澳亚商业职业妇女协会五大年度活动之一“Walking Hiking Picking徒步远足”第二期精选版圆满落下帷幕。这是一项协会自2020年疫情期间开启的线上“热爱运动,关爱环境,回馈社会”的运动。活动一经推出,就受到不同民族,男女老少的热烈响应。


The event organising team leader, Kim Wen announced the Award Ceremony of Walking Hiking Picking Series 2 on Sunday 3rd October afternoon at 2 p.m Melbourne AEST.

收官典礼在热情洋溢的气氛中由活动组委会leader Kim Wen用充满激情的声音宣布开始。首先她邀请澳亚商业职业妇女协会的会长Jane Wei魏绢女士为活动致辞。 

President Jane Wei's speech:

The main objectives of this event were: 

1. Keeping a positive attitude to live the life we are living in. Keeping us mentally and physically strong,

2. Appreciate the nature. Protect the  environment. Give back to our society. 

3. Build a winning team. 


 1. 让身心健康愉悦,保持积极心态。

 2. 保护环境, 回馈社会。

 3. 学习并实操如何建立成功团队。

President Jane Wei expressed sincere thanks to the organising team leaders, Kim Wen is the founder of Black Belt Entrepreneurs (BBE) Training Academy. 

Jade Liu is Asian Pacific Business Development Manager of PRM Inc.(Agri-Biotech Phytopharmaceutical Company). Fiona Zhang is the Property investment strategist. Jun Teng is the founder of JG Accounting firm. She said that there is one thing in common among them, which is they always place other people’s interests upfront.

魏绢会长还高度赞扬这次活动组委会成员Kim Wen、Jade Liu、Fiona Zhang、阳光, 为活动的无私奉献。Jane还说AABWA committee有一个共同的特质,就是把别人的利益放在首位。

For this 13 days of Walking hiking picking exercises, we have established four main achievement awards. 


The Winning Team 

The Leadership Award

The Best Dedication Award

An Encouragement Award

The Winning Team Award goes to Green team/ Acacia Waking Team,他们以满分胜出。他们说:集体荣誉感和团队精神,是重要的成功要素。

The members of this Green Team were:Jimmy Li , Lucy Liu, Hon Prof. Guosheng Chen, 阳光, Joyce Zhu, Mila Zhang, Eva Wu, Allan King, Maria Wang, Sunny Lang, Wenjie Ge and Jane Wei.    

The Leaders Award winners were Jimmy Li, Lucy Liu, Rebecca Wu, Sim, 雯晴,Katie,Mary Shee,Susan, 太阳雨;Lia 肖,Christine Wang,Susan Liu,七彩溪,Jolin Wang,Jackson,Super Chris,Charles Zhang,Lucy-Bewise,夏少玲,Rachel Zhang.

The Best Dedication Award winners were 太阳雨, Lisha Ma, Hon Prof. Guosheng Chen, Vronlee, Simeon, Jimmy Li, Rosa Law.

The Encouragement Award winners were Allan King, Joyce Zhu, 郝医生, Darren, Peter,Denise, 知秋Daniel,Helen Hu, Grace Mcgill, Maria Wang.

The Award Ceremony then proceeded into an exciting moment, whereby the winners shared their experiences of being part of the event. 


Everyone was very grateful for such an opportunity organised by AABWA. They had not only exercised more than before but also had started to pay more attention to the surrounding that they did not notice before and appreciated the beauty of life and nature around them.   

Coincidentally, it was also the school holidays during the last two weeks, so some of the younger moms had completed their daily exercise with their children including picking up trash, and caring for our environment. 



A huge thanks to Jimmy Li and Hon Prof.Guosheng Yang 为活动编辑的有关澳洲的系列报道- Our land, our people。让我们收获颇多。

A special Thanks to Lisha Ma for providing two professional and fun online group exercises for everyone during the event. All participants are very impressed.

感谢Lisha Ma 在活动期间为大家提供的两次既专业又有趣的线上集体运动课程。


A big thank you to our event sponsors for their kind and generous contributions.


AABWA Organising Team – every participant will receive one

Bottlemart – every participant will receive one

九号中经堂 - Rachel Zhang  

Rising Industry and Trade P/L - Cindy Xue

NuDream Elite Studio  - Jolin Wang

Carlei green vineyards  - Maple Pan 

Happy Cellars -Lian Ping 

Doterra Essential oil - Pansy Pan

Katies Jewellery - Katie Xiong

Usana - Susan Liu

Media sponsors媒体赞助





Although the event has come to an end, the heart of caring for the environment will not change, enth-usiasm for sports will not stop.


We are so proud of your outstand-ing achievements within the last two weeks. 


Australian Asia Business Professi-onal Women's Association is very fortunate to have all of you as friends for life!


Thank you all for your dedication. Together we make our lives a better one than before👍👍.


虽然活动落下了帷幕,我们会在Strave运动群AABWA Fitness Club里继续见面的。大家关爱环境,对运动的热情不会停止。这次活动让我们看到,澳亚商业职业妇女协会里,有这么多出色的你们在我们身旁。让我们一起为这个社会做奉献!


···THE END···


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