AEMS恭喜张先生457工作签证顺利获批! ---02/11/2015
Congratulations to Mr. Zhang successfully got 457 working visa approval! ---02/11/2015
AEMS恭喜翁先生457打工度假签证顺利获批! ---07/11/2015
Congratulations to Mr. Weng successfully got 457 working holiday visa approval! ---07/11/2015
AEMS恭喜余女士186永居签证顺利获批! --05/11/2015
Congratulations to Ms. Yu successfully got 186 Permanent visa approval! ---05/11/2015
AEMS恭喜周先生187永居签证顺利获批! --10/11/2015
Congratulations to Mr. Zhou successfully got 187 Permanent visa approval! ---10/11/2015
AEMS恭喜陆先生187永居签证顺利获批! --11/11/2015
Congratulations to Mr. Lu successfully got 187 Permanent visa approval! ---11/11/2015
AEMS恭喜刘女士187永居签证顺利获批! --11/11/2015
Congratulations to Ms. Liu successfully got 187 Permanent visa approval! ---11/11/2015
AEMS恭喜李女士187永居签证顺利获批! --12/11/2015
Congratulations to Ms. Li successfully got 187 Permanent visa approval! ---12/11/2015
Congratulations to Mr. Mutai successfully got 573 student visa approval! ---06/11/2015
Congratulations to Mr. Lee successfully got 572 student visa approval! ---21/10/2015
AEMS恭喜王女士572学生签证顺利获批! ---02/11/2015
Congratulations to Ms. Wang successfully got 572 student visa approval! ---02/11/2015
AEMS恭喜张先生573学生签证顺利获批! ---12/10/2015
Congratulations to Mr. Zhang successfully got 573 student visa approval! ---12/10/2015
AEMS恭喜瞿先生573学生签证顺利获批! ---04/11/2015
Congratulations to Mr. Qu successfully got 573 student visa approval! ---04/11/2015
AEMS恭喜刘先生573学生签证顺利获批! ---12/11/2015
Congratulations to Mr. Liu successfully got 573 student visa approval! ---12/11/2015
AEMS恭喜杨先生573学生签证顺利获批! ---19/11/2015
Congratulations to Mr. Yang successfully got 573 student visa approval! ---19/11/2015
Hi All,
上周末Brian通知我们187签证已经下来,有种幸福来的太突然的感觉。回想起来从最初的移民咨询,到参加讲座,然后申请学生签证,485,到最后的187,这中间经历太多,没有AEMS各位的专业服务,我们也不会一切都 那么顺利。非常感谢Nancy,给了我们很多的建议和选择,找到了最适合我们的一条路,同时也非常感谢Brian, 对于我的每一个疑问都非常耐心的解答。还有其他所有的AEMS员工,谢谢你们,你们是最专业的。
Kind regards