悉尼 · 狂风暴雨之后


悉尼火车服务的负责人,总裁Howard Collins将周二的全城火车交通瘫痪归咎于恶劣的雷暴闪电,以及大批火车司机请病假。
“管理层着急为混乱每天找借口,但是事实上,这都是因为一个制定很糟糕的时刻表。”该工会的新州书记Alex Claassens周二发布声明表示。
悉尼火车服务总裁Howard Collins说,将与工会一起会对时刻表进行重审,但是否认了会再回到此前的时刻表。他还表示将聘请更多火车司机。
新州反对党领袖Foley称,他自己也在周二晚受困于Town Hall火车站的混乱,“这对公共安全造成危险” 。他呼吁新州自由党政府在投资25亿重修两个体育场之前,应该先把交通问题解决好。
新州交通厅长Andrew Constance已经从其南部海岸选区返回悉尼,预计将于周三面对媒体。
Sydney train network 'a mess': Constance
The NSW transport minister has apologised to Sydney commuters and admits the train network has been a "mess" over the past two days.
The network went into meltdown on Tuesday afternoon leaving thousands of frustrated passengers stranded on platforms across the city, with rail bosses blaming lightning strikes and driver sickness for the chaos.
On Monday the network was affected by a spike in sick leave taken by train drivers.
"What we've seen in the last 48 hours has been enormously disappointing for commuters ...I want to apologise to them," Andrew Constance told reporters on Wednesday in Sydney.
"We're not hiding from the fact that it was a mess. We want to apologise but the trick is now getting it back on track as quickly as we can," the transport minister said.
Mr Constance has asked the head of Sydney Trains Howard Collins and Transport Secretary Rodd Staples to report to him within the next two weeks on how the network can better recover from major incidents.
Mr Collins said earlier on Wednesday the new timetable would be reviewed.
The Rail, Tram and Bus Union says the new timetable, introduced at the end of November, is responsible for the delays.
"Management is scrambling to come up with daily excuses for the mess, but the reality is it's all to do with a poorly put together timetable," NSW Secretary Alex Claassens said in a statement on Tuesday.
Mr Collins said more train drivers were being recruited.
Meanwhile, Opposition Leader Luke Foley said the Berejiklian Government needed to "immediately" refund train passengers for Monday and Tuesday's travel fares.
He also slammed the new timetable, saying it was "not worth the paper it's written on".
"The government went against its expert advice on the timetable. The resources were not there to introduce the timetable six weeks ago," Mr Foley said.
"This is a train service reminiscent of a Third World city," he told reporters in Sydney on Wednesday.
He said the Berejiklian government needed to fix the transport chaos before spending $2.5 billion rebuilding two stadiums.
交通运输部长Andrew Constance表示:“我们在最安静的时期开展这项工作,就是为了不在交通繁忙阶段影响通勤者,这是至关重要的。所以通勤者在度假返回工作前,应该提前安排行程。”
据悉,市区和内西区的轻轨乘客本周需要调整通行时间,因为公交班次将取代Dulwich Hill和Central之间的轻轨班次,直到1月15日恢复。
sydney commuters set to face transport headache as they return to work
COMMUTERS in Sydney can look forward to “seven months of misery” as one of the newest parts of the rail network, which opened less than a decade ago, is shut down because it’s no longer fit for purpose.
The NSW Government announced that the Epping to Chatswood line, which is just eight years old, would be temporarily closed during the latter half of 2018 and early 2019.
While there is nothing wrong with the line, it nonetheless has a big problem. It was built, at a cost of more than $2 billion, to accommodate regular Sydney suburban double deck trains. But it will have to undergo substantial changes because the Government wants it to be a key part of the Sydney Metro — and that only uses single decker trains.
The Greens said the work was entirely avoidable; the train line was being cut for “no good reason” and it would lead to “a traffic disaster”.
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