
原创 2017年12月18日 文波英语

Read Aloud


Akimbo, this must be one of the odder-looking words in thelanguages. It puzzles us in part because it doesn’t seem to have any relatives.What’s more, it is now virtually a fossil word, until recently almostinvariably found in arms akimbo, a posture in which a person stands with handson hips and elbows sharply bent outward, one that signals impatience andhostility.


Global warming(5次,文波口语RA机经第2281)

Global warming is defined as an increase in the averagetemperature of the earth’s atmosphere. This trend began in the middle of the20th century and is one of the major environmental concerns of scientists andgovernmental officials worldwide. The changes in temperature result mostly fromthe effect of increased concentrations of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere.


Such an agreement would include recognition that the worldmust aim as soon as possible to hold global warming to 1.5-degree Celsius; along-term low-carbon future; 5-year updated action plans that recognize the developingclimate reality; and aid to those countries that did little to cause climatechange but are most at risk from it.



A young man from a small provincial town - a man withoutindependent wealth, without powerful family connections and without auniversity education - moved to London in the late 1580’s and, in a remarkablyshort time, became the greatest playwright not of his age alone but of alltime. How did Shakespeare become Shakespeare?



Domestication is an evolutionary, rather than a political,development. They were more likely to survive and prosper in an alliance withhumans than on their own. Humans provided the animals with food and protection,in exchange for which the animals provided the humans their milk and eggs and -yes- their flesh.


Describe Image

The sleeping time for babies (5)


The graph gives information about time spent in sleeping bykids in different age groups. From the graph, we can find that the figures in night-timesleep increase from 8.5hr in the age of 1 month to 11hr for the half-year-old,staying stable before decreasing a bit to 10.5 by the age of 3. It isinteresting to find that the figures in daytime sleep decrease steadily from7hr with 3 naps in parentheses to just 1.5hr with only 1 nap in parentheses. Itis also worth noticing that the figures in total sleep show a similar trend,starting from 15.5 at month 1 and finishing at 12 at age 3. Overall, we candraw a conclusion that kids need less daytime sleep along with the growth.

UK population in differentage groups (4)


Life expectancy (5)


Simple circuit with light (9)


Total MSW Generation (8)


1.   英国工业污染(3,文波RL机经第40)

Two reasons are leading to environment problems: humanactivities and the industrial revolution.

To change the situation, global and local efforts areneeded.

The speaker talked about the environmental laws enforcementin the UK. It is an aggressive regulation, as it forced industries to focus onemployees’ health and environment.

According to Adam Smith’s model, the law increases the costof the production and decreases the competition.


2.   巴普洛夫实验(6, 新题,文波RL机经第3)


1.   Unconditioned response: the dog salivates in responseto seeing food.

2.   Conditioning: every time the dog sees food, a bell isrung

3.   Conditioned response: the dog salivates in responseto a bell being rung

Pavlov’s dog experiment is related to positivereinforcement.(积极强化)







3. Edmund Wilson(9次,新题,文波RL机经第11)

介绍他是美国批判家和文学家,对现在的American study影响很大


Edmund Wilson (May 8, 1895 – June 12, 1972) was an Americanwriter and critic who notably explored Freudian and Marxist themes.

He influenced many American authors, including F. ScottFitzgerald, whose unfinished work he edited for publication. His scheme for aLibrary of America series of national classic works came to fruition throughthe efforts of Jason Epstein after Wilson's death.


4.    Welshspeaker (10次,wenbo.tv有视频,文波RL机经第41)


Welsh is a Celtic language spoken mainly in Wales, also inWelsh colony and some other countries such as England, Scotland, Canada, theUSA, Australia and New Zealand. The percentage of Wales speak Welsh hasdecreased from 50% to 20% during 20th century. The number of Welsh speakers inWales is around 750,000, and 28% of the Wales population, claimed to have someknowledge of the language.


Welsh is a Celtic language spoken in Wales, Wales’s colony, England,Canada, USA. At the beginning of the 20th century about half of the populationof Wales spoke Welsh as an everyday language, towards the end of the century,the proportion of Welsh speakers had fallen to about 20%. According to the 2001census about 750,000 people speak, read or write Welsh and 28% of thepopulation have some knowledge of the language. In the end, the number of Welshspeaker has a positive prediction.


5.   Poverty in rural and urban areas (7文波RL机经第84)

Environmental problems including water pollution and thesanitation of drinking water, indoor smoke, gas emission.

Poor people are especially affected especially in terms oftheir health.

The rising demand for energy consumption is likely tosustain until 2030, which will have an effect on a range of environmentalproblems.

横向是India越南, 还有另外两个国家,题目贫困对比图,纵向是几个分类,有level ofeducationpoverty degree什么的,大概就是对比这几个国家的贫困程度。

有一个图,示意ruralpoverty更严重,然后听力就提及要我们应当着力解决rural poverty问题。原因是第一这个可以减少全球的贫困人口,第二个是这个也可以降低unbran povertyrate 因为urban 的贫困人口大多都是从rural去的。


Answer Short Questions

1.   A planet or a galaxy that is very distant can be seenwith what device? Answer: Telescope (文波ASQ机经第153)

2.   What kind of liquid do mammals feed their babies?

AnswerMilk (文波ASQ机经第241)

3.   What do we call a book that contains lots of wordswith their meanings?

AnswerDictionary (文波ASQ机经第23)


primary school, context



Summarize Written Text

1.   India and US Technology(11, 文波SWT机经第19)

2.   Songbird(17, 文波SWT机经第1)

3.   Beauty contest(4次,文波SWT机经第5)

4.   动物和人的区别 Human and animals (7次,文波SWT机经第18)

5.   It'll Never Fly: The City of London (9次,文波SWT机经第25)

6.   Tree rings (11次,文波SWT机经第31)

7.   Technology prediction-IBM (9次,文波SWT机经第6)



1.   Is travel a necessary component of education or not?Will scholar sitting at home have more knowledge than one who travels?(文波Essay机经第27)

2.   Modern technology has promoted new inventions. Towhat extent do you agree or disagree? (文波Essay机经第57)


3.   Who is responsible for climate change, whether thegovernment or industries? (文波Essay机经第25)


4.   Should marketing for consumer goods companies likeclothing and food focus on fame and good faith or on short term strategieslike discount and special offers? And in what ways can this impact on theirreputation? Why? (文波Essay机经第31)

5.   It is argued that getting married before finishingschool or getting a job is not a good choice. To what extent do you agree ordisagree? (文波Essay机经第40)

Reorder paragraphs

1.    Aviation (6次,文波RO机经第5)

  1. a) Duringthe 1920s and 1930s great progress was made in the field of aviation, includingthe first transatlantic flight of Alcock and Brown in 1919, Charles Lindbergh’ssolo transatlantic flight.

  2. b) 1927saw Charles Kingsford smith’s transpacific flight.  One of the most successful designs of thisperiod was the Douglas DC-3, which became the first airliner to be profitablecarrying passengers exclusively, starting the modern era of passenger airlineservice.

  3. c) By thebeginning of World War Two, many towns and cities had built airports, and therewere numerous qualified pilots available.

  4. d) The warbrought many innovations to aviation, including the first jet aircraft and thefirst liquid-fuelled rockets.



  1. 2.    Map(2次,文波RO62)

  2. 1) For aslong as I can remember, there has been a map in the ticket hall of PiccadillyCircus tube station supposedly showing night and day across the time zones ofthe world.

  3. 2) This issomewhat surprising given the London Underground's historic difficultly ingrasping the concept of punctuality.

  4. 3) Butthis map has always fascinated me, and still does, even though it now seemsvery primitive.

  5. 4) This isbecause it chops the world up equally by longitude, without regard the realityof either political divisions or the changing seasons.


Fill in the Blanks

  1. 1.   Reality (文波阅读FIB机经第2题,3)

Surely, reality is what we think it is;reality is revealed to us by our experiences. To one extent or another, thisview of reality is one many of us hold, if only implicitly. I certainly findmyself thinking this way in day-to-day life; it's easy to be seduced by the face nature reveals directly to our senses.Yet, in the decades since first

encountering Camus ' test, I've learned that modern science tells a very different story.

  1. 2.   Ikebana (文波阅读FIB机经第38题,7)

More than simply putting flowers in a container. It is a disciplined art form in which thearrangement is a living thing where nature and humanity are brought together.Contrary to the idea of a particolored or multicolored arrangementof blossoms, ikebana often emphasizes other areas of the plant,such as its stems and leaves, and puts emphasis on shape, line, and form.Though ikebana is an expression of creativity, certain rules govern its form.The artistsintention behind each arrangement is shown through a piece’s colorcombinations, natural shapes, graceful lines, and the implied meaning of thearrangement.

  1. 3.   Drink Vessels (文波阅读FIB机经第4题,5)

By the Bronze Age drinking vessels were being made of sheer metal,primarily bronze or gold. However, the peak of feasting – and in particular, ofthe 'political' type of feast --came in the late Hallstatt period (about600--450 BC), soon after the foundation of the Greek colonyof Massalia( Marseille) at the mouth of the Rhine. From that date on, the bloodof the grape began to make its way north and east along major river systemstogether with impoted metal and ceramic drinking vessels from the Greek world.

Wine was thus added to the list of mood—altering beverages such as meadand ale (see coloured text below) available to establish social networks inIron Age Europe. Attic pottery fragments found at hill forts such as Heuneburgin Germany and luxury goods such as the monumental 5th century Greek bronzekrater (or wine mixing vessel) fount at Vix in Burgundy supply archaeologicalevidence of this interaction. Organic containers such as leather or wooden winebarrels may also have travelled north into Europe but have not survived. It isunknown what goods were traded in return they may have included salted meat,hides, timber, amber and slaves.


Summarize Spoken Text

1.    University Competition (文波听力SST机经第44,11)

This lecture talks about universities competition. Thecompetition between students from different universities becomes more intenseand thrilling, especially in English speaking countries.  The fierce competitions are also betweenstaff. They compare the performance in academy and job market.  Universities compete for more funding fromboth private and public sectors, which can help them get better researchresult. To conclude, the performance is essential for vice chancellor.


2.    Drug advertisement (文波听力SST机经第23题,13)

Drug companies are doubling the numbers of advertisements onTV during prime times. This information is technically correct but their toneis misleading consumers. For example, the character in the ads gains control oftheir lives after taking the prescribed drugs rather than changing theirlifestyle.


3.    Amory Lovins (文波听力SST机经第17题,8)

He is an unusual character with a wide range of knowledge,but he is not an academic person. He has a consulting company and lives in ahouse which is built in the mountain. He has thought and used a lot of ways tosave energy and solve problems with existing technologies for 30 years. Peopletend to regard him as genius and crazy Mr. Green.

4.    Vitamin D (文波听力SST机经第27题,6次,机经有原文)


5.    Laughing (文波听力SST机经第11题,7)

This lecture mainly talked about the importance of keepinglaughing. The research conducted by Lancashire University proved that humorhelp people to kill their bleak and boring time. During world war two, somejokes that were widespread among the public in Russia, Europe and even MiddleEast kept them happy. Laughing also helps build confidence and shape goodpersonality.


6.    Citizenship curriculum (文波听力SST机经第3题,5)


Citizens should be informed, but it is taken for granted inwestern democracy and people contend to government policies and there ismissing information.


Citizenship is included in curriculum.

- Citizen ship should be core subject at school.

- Although citizenship curriculum is important as it couldincrease students’ sense of responsibility, the board of school does pay extraattention on it.


Write From Dictation

1.   Animals raised in captivity behave differently withtheir wild counterparts. (文波WFD机经第13)

2.   The application process is longer than expected.(文波WFD机经第101)

3.   While reconciliation is desirable, the basicunderlying issue must be first addressed. (文波WFD机经第256)

4.   The library holds substantial collection of materialson economic history. (文波WFD机经第257)

5.   Control systems in manufacturing require a high levelof accuracy. (文波WFD机经第20)

6.   You are required to complete the research paper bynext Monday. (文波WFD机经第209)

7.   It is hard/difficult to anticipate all their actionswhen they react. (文波WFD机经第45)








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