过去分词 你知多少?
① Our city is becoming increasingly crowded due to the expanding population and the sharp rise in the number of private cars.由于不断增长的人口和私家车数量的剧增,我们的城市变得愈来愈拥挤。
② Our natural energy will soon be exhausted if we pay no attention to the conservation of it.如果不重视自然资源的保护,它将很快被耗尽。
③ Many career women are worn out after a day’s toil.经过一天辛苦的工作,许多职业妇女感到筋疲力尽。
④ Some strict teachers are frustrated at the low scores given by some disrespectful students in revenge.有些无礼的学生为了报复老师,给老师打低分,一些严格的老师因此而倍感挫折。

① I request you to replace the broken Walkman with a new one.我要求你给我把这部坏的随身听换掉。
② Many retired people can still contribute a1ot to the society with their rich experience.许多退休老人还能用他们丰富的经验为社会作贡献。
③ We shall bring into full play the talents of the returned students. 我们应该充分发挥归国留学生的才干。
④ Many pedestrians are penalized according to the newly issued regulations.依据新颁布的规定,许多行人被处罚。
⑤ The PC games designed by James are really terrific.詹姆士设计的PC游戏真是太棒了。
⑥ I am now writing to draw the attention of the department concerned to the deteriorating water quality of the Pear River.我现写信希望引起有关部门对日益恶化的珠江水质的重视。

1)If asked to make a choice, I would not hesitate to side with the latter view for several strong reasons.如果要我选择的话,我将基于以下几点理由毫不犹豫地选择后者的观点。
2)Left alone at home, the old people are more likely to get into trouble. 如果单独在家,老人容易遇到麻烦。
3)Written in a haste, the book has many faults.写得很匆忙,这本书有许多错误。
4)Kept in Zoos, some rare animals can enjoy better living conditions and professional care.饲养在动物园,稀有动物可以享受到更好的居住环境和专业的照料。
5)Sent to study overseas, some students are reposed to fail to adapt to the local life and even commit suicide.据报道,有些学生送出国外去学习之后,不能适应当地的生活甚至自杀。
6)Deeply influenced by the excessive violence and pornography on the Internet,some teenagers err from the right path.由于受网络上的过度色情与暴力深深影响,有些青少年误人歧途。

1)We often find ourselves caught in a dilemma whether we should send our children to a boarding or a day school.我们经常进退两难,是送我们的孩子去寄宿学校还是走读学校?
2)We found Guohuang greatly changed.我们发现何国煌改变了许多。
3)Television not only presents a vivid world to us,but also keeps us informed of the latest development of all fields.电视不仅给我们呈现了逼真的世界,同时使我们了解各个领域的最新发展。
4)We should have the waste properly disposed of.我们要妥善处理垃圾。