This week, we are announcing the finalists of 2020 Australia China Alumni of the Year Award.
Australia China Alumni of the Year Award
This prestigious award celebrates all-round distinction in work, life and community service and aims to recognize an alumna/alumnus who has demonstrated excellence in her/his professional career and/or through charitable activities.
All nominees for this award will have established themselves as leaders in their chosen fields, and will also have made significant contributions to strengthening the relationship between Australia and China.
This year, five outstanding candidates have been shortlisted:
今年, 这个奖项有5位入围者,他们分别是:

David Chan
CEO of Bo Le Associates
Queensland University of Technology alumnus
scroll down for the full introduction 向上滑动阅览

Andrew Chan
Founder & CEO of ACI HR Solution
University of South Australia Alumnus
scroll down for the full introduction 向上滑动阅览

Edward Lai
CEO of BOA International Securities Limited
Central Queensland University Alumnus
scroll down for the full introduction 向上滑动阅览

Yu Ouyang
DeTao Master for creative writing and translation in English and Chinese
La Trobe University Alumnus
scroll down for the full introduction 向上滑动阅览

Wayne Wang
Equity Partner of Zhong Lun Law Firm
University of New South Wales Alumnus
scroll down for the full introduction 向上滑动阅览
Congratulations to all finalists of 2020 Australia China Alumni of the Year Award!
The winners will be announced through online broadcasting on 28 November. The link will be available on the announcement date.
On the same date, ACAA will also hold Award Finalists Networking in various cities both in China and Australia. This is the first year that ACAA hold Award Ceremony outside of China.
Special thanks to our Award Sponsors: Australian Embassy, Beijing, Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) and PwC You Plus.
特别鸣谢澳大利亚驻华大使馆、澳大利亚驻华大使、澳洲贸易投资委员会和普华永道You Plus特训计划对本届校友奖的大力支持!

普华永道 You Plus 特训计划

普华永道You Plus特训计划是普华永道为中国人才市场倾力打造的培训项目,包括6个月的实战学习及6个月的名企实践,课程主要针对拥有0-5年工作经验的职场新人,聚焦实战运用,打造通往国内外高成长性一线企业平台的快速通道。

澳中同学会(ACAA) 于2007年在澳大利亚驻华大使的主持下在北京成立,现任澳大利亚驻华大使是ACAA的新任代言人。一直以来,ACAA和澳大利亚大学、政府机构和商会保持紧密联系,合作开展活动。目前,ACAA会员遍布中国和澳洲,超过26,000人。