1. 时不我待
Time and tidewait for no man.
2. 杀鸡用牛刀
Take not a musketto kill a butterfly.
3. 实事求是
Seek truthfrom facts.
4. 说曹操,曹操到
Speak of thedevil.
5. 实话实说
Speak theplain truth; call a spade a
spade; tell it as it is.
6. 实践是检验真理的唯一标准
Practice isthe sole criterion for
testing truth.
7. 韬光养晦
Hide one’scapacities and bide
one’s time.
8. 糖衣炮弹
Sugar-coated bullets.
9. 天有不测风云
Anythingunexpected may happen.
10. 团结就是力量
Unity isstrength.
11. 跳进黄河也洗不清
Even if onejumped into the Yellow
River, one cannot wash oneself
clean – there’s nothingone can do
to clear one’s name.
Unhealthypractices and evil
Birds of afeather flock together.
14. 望子成龙
Hold highhopes for one’s child.
15. 唯利是图
Seek nothing butprofits.
16. 无中生有
Creatingsomething out of nothing.
17. 无风不起浪
No smokewithout fire.
18. 徇私枉法
Engaging inmalpractices and
perverting with the law.
19. 新官上任三把火
A new broomsweeps clean.
20. 蓄势待发
Accumulate strengthfor a take-off.
21. 心想事成
May all yourwish come true.
22. 心照不宣
Have a tacit understanding.
23. 先入为主
Firstimpressions are firmly
24. 先下手为强
The bestdefense is offense.
25. 热锅上的蚂蚁
Ants in one’spants.