重磅:澳洲移民政策大改革, 6大方向出炉!

2014年09月29日 澳洲大众地产投资集团


1. 雇主担保签证

(1)澳大利亚移民局建议,申请人在补充签证材料时, 要在网上上传, 不要发邮件给签证官。移民局希望申请人在递交签证申请时,尽可能一次性递交全部需要的申请材料,这样可帮助签证官迅速做出决定;移民局会优先审理材料齐全的申请,否则会延期审理。

(2)关于废除Labour Market Testing(雇主广告)的建议, 考虑到现在澳洲劳工的具体情况, 不太可能会被废除

(3)在过去的12个月里, 457工作签证的申请下降了39%;由于申请数量的下降, 移民局审理该签证的签证官也从过去的200人下降到了现在的150人。在的该签证审理模式是,一个案子不再由一个签证官负责, 而是会由几个签证官同时负责一个案子, 目的是为了避免由于某个签证官休假而造成的延误。

2. 配偶移民签证

(1)澳大利亚移民局希望申请人以电子的方式递交, 包括第二阶段的PR申请; 即使第一阶段是以邮寄方式递交的, 第二阶段也可以在网上递交。对于第二阶段的申请, 移民局过去是以邮寄方式通知申请人的, 现在改成以电子方式通知, 所以一定要保证邮件地址的准确;通过电子方式递交的签证申请, 申请人可以更改护照、邮件和住址信息

(2)通过邮寄方式递交的申请, 移民局通常会在48小时内出具收据;递交申请时, 最好能提供体检和无犯罪记录公证。

(3)大约有25%的签证申请人在递交时没有签证, 移民局会在8周左右的时间做出决定,看是否拒签;

3. 其它类别签证

(1)现在申请过桥签证(BVB)的审理周期是1个星期左右;澳大利亚移民局建议不要过早递交过桥签证的申请, 因为如果原来递交的签证申请被批准,那么BVB的申请费是不能被退回的。

(2)居民回程签证(RRV)和PR续签,现在统一在墨尔本审理,申请人可以在线递交(即使不满足居住条件)。保持关注abcmedia 获得更多动态。



1. 简化签证设计,以便容易理解和操作。

2. 设计结构务必灵活,以确保满足不断变化的技术移民计划。

3. 就业结果应该成为澳洲技术移民的主要驱动力。

4. 技术移民必须支持和弥补澳洲劳动力市场。

5. 移民诚信度是维持继续推动澳洲技术移民计划的重要条件。

6. 支持澳洲政府的移民政策改革放松计划,以减少由于种种繁文缛节对澳洲企业造成了的高昂成本。


1. 英文标准



Consideration however could be given to aligning English language proficiency with industry standards. Alternatively, proficiency could be linked to intended activity reflecting the Australian standard for that occupation. The English language proficiency requirement within the temporary migration category could also be reviewed to ensure temporary migrants are encouraged to develop greater proficiency leading up to potential permanent migration. English language proficiency could also be linked to work safety requirements.

2. 职业评估机构



Consideration could be given to the current and future roles both assessing authorities and peak industry bodies play to determine minimum requirements for prospective migrants to work in Australia.

3. 职业评估清单



Currently, occupations on both the SOL and CSOL are listed as ANZSCO skill level 1-3, with a minimal number of skilled level 4 occupations. However, many occupations in demand by Australian businesses remain unlisted on the SOL and CSOL, or are not listed in ANZSCO. In such cases, the only alternative is for Australian businesses to nominate prospective migrants through a Labour Agreement. To address these issues, the continued use of ANZSCO within the skilled migration visa programmes could be considered. Alternatively, CSOL could be retained with the possible inclusion of an expanded list of ANZSCO skill level 4 occupations. A further option could be to develop an occupations list that excludes occupations available for migration to Australia, rather than seeking to prescribe occupations that facilitate migration.

4. 技术移民打分制度



While the importance of attracting high quality migrants remains integral in any future settings, the intrinsic value of the ongoing application of a points test will be evaluated in this review. Specifically, it is possible the removal of the points test could still deliver a successful skilled migration visa programme if well-legislated and tailored. This could mean independent migration could be less process-driven and achieved through robust visa criteria requirements. Alternatively, a purer human capital model could be implemented, one designed to attract higher-valued skilled migrants, such as those who are qualified in skill level 1 occupations. Consideration could also be given to making the points test more flexible and direct, imposing fewer burdens on prospective migrants. This could include retaining only the essential elements of human capital, such as age, English language proficiency, educational qualifications and employment experience. This would inject skills which contribute to the general growth and enhancement of Australia’s labour force.


联系人:Stuart Bett

电话:02 6263 2534

Email:[email protected]

Post:Department of Immigration and Border Protection

ATT:Skilled Visa Review and Deregulation Taskforce (4N275)


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