雅思口语真题 答题模板 PART 2
Describe a time when you were teaching a friend or a relative to do sth.
• 故事线:在这个问题上,我认为这将是一件很容易的事,事实上遇到了很多困难,通过我母亲的提醒,我观看了许多视频教程,终于教会了我的弟弟,并且学会了如何教别人。
• 高分语料:I myself had to learn how to teach somebody. So, I watched a number of video tutorials which showed different ways to teach a child to tie shoelaces. Who'd have thought that this seemingly simple action consists of so many stages. After that we started practising 5 minutes every day and I broke down this complete task into smaller steps not to overwhelm the child. At first, we practised with his shoes off. I used laces of two different colours to help him differentiate on lace form the other. We started from learning to make starting knot. When he finally succeeded, we move to a more
complicated task.
• I think the fundamental reason is that you can assemble all the parts of a piece of furniture all by yourself, which means you don't need to pay someone to do it for you. This allows you to save a big amount of money I think.
• 故事线:我教大学同学使用分期付款的方式支付学费,最终他成功地存了第一笔钱,当他从家人那里得到所需的资金时,他也存了足够的钱。
• 高分语段:Being a student and part-time worker in Malaysia, life is difficult to me. I have been struggling with my challenges but try to help others in all possible forms. A university friend of mine, Christopher wanted some monetary supports for me to deposit his tuition fees for the new semester. In fact, he did not work and studies with the expense of his own, rather he depends on his family. He belongs to a wealthy family from Kenya and it was for the first time that he sought financial help to me.
• 故事线:在经历了一场毁灭性的飓风之后,他的小店被毁,他没有其他的收入来源,也没有能力重建它,于是为我朋友一家人募捐,帮助他们度过难关。
• 高分语段:I met with my friend when I was a volunteer. He had a family of 5 members and he was a technician. He had very little education and he mostly relied on the small shop he had to repair electronic goods. After a devastating cyclone, his small shop was demolished and he had no other income source or ability to rebuild it. One day I noticed him trying to console his small kids who were demanding for foods. This happened near our college campus and I had been there to meet a friend. I was so touched by the beautiful yet gloomy faced kids that I went ahead and talk to this person.He explained what happened and was talking in a trembling voice. He also told me he assured her wife that he would feed the kids and would bring foods to home.