Rental Property Income
2) 物业税/地税(Propertytax)
3) 物业保险(Property insurance)
4) 贷款利息(Mortgage interest)
5) 公寓等的物业管理费用(Management fees from condominium)
6) 装修维修和维护费用(Decoration,repairsand maintenance)
7) 清洁费用(Cleaning)
8) 交通费用(如果有多个物业)(Automobile expense only applicablewhen owner does not live in the same property)
9) 办公费用(Office expense)
10) 律师,会计师等费用(Legal, accounting and otherprofessional fees)
11) 水电费(Electricity, heat & water)
12) 电视及上网费用(TV & Internet)
13) 防盗监控费用(Security)
14) 相关的银行费用(Related bank charges)
15) 园林及铲雪费用(Landscaping and snow shovel ifapplicable)
16) 折旧费用(Amortizationexpense)
17) 物业管理公司费用(property management fee)
18) 租车位费用 (parking fee)
19) 垃圾清理费(Garbage collection fee)
20) 收租代理费(Rental income collection agency fee)
#Home Accessibility Tax Credit (HATC -方便起居装修抵税)#