春天资讯之Terry 观点:澳洲房价并不高

2014年04月06日 澳大利亚悉尼春天投资

著名的独立房产分析师TERYY RYDER最近观点:

Terry 观点


最近在媒体上,有一种声音认为数据显示澳洲房价难以令人承受。我经常提供最新的负担能力指数给读者,然而这些数据却被认为是十年内最佳。经济学者Craig James最新出版的数据也证实了这一看法。James所提供的数据展示了房价在过去十年间已上涨了67%,但仍低于平均可支配收入的增长。James认为现今中端房价是平均可支配收入的4倍――这一比例在过去十年几乎维持不变。过去十年内平均房价已上涨67%达到$450,000,然而平均每户的可支配收入大约上涨70%. James认为“简单来说,澳洲人已变得更为富有。事实上在过去十年间,澳洲个人收入增长是略高于房价增长”。除此之外,低利率的维持也使得最近几年的负担能力指数显著提高。



Terry's View

Occasionally a voice of reason manages tobe noticed amid all the media static about Australian housing beingunaffordable. I have often referred readers to the regular affordabilityindexes which show that affordability today is the best it's best in 10 years.Further information confirming this has been published by CommSec economistCraig James. This shows that house prices have risen 67% over the last decade,but average disposable income has more than kept up. James says the medianhouse price is now about four times the average disposable income - a ratiothat has remained broadly unchanged over the past 10 years. The average homeprice has risen 67% over the past decade to $450,000, while disposable incomeper household has risen around 70%. "Simply, Australians have got richerover time," James says. "In fact, over the past decade, incomes havegrown slightly faster than home prices." This, coupled with very lowinterest rates, helps to explain why affordability indexes have improved inrecent years.

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