Lilly Pilly 番樱桃
番樱桃学名为Syzygium Luehmannii,生长于澳洲河流、沿海、亚热带和热带雨林地区,主要分布于澳大利亚新洲Macleay River到昆州热带地区的Cairns附近的火山岩土壤和沙质土壤,可作为一种观赏树或者果树栽培,花期为11月-12月,花朵呈白色或奶油色,由3-4片花瓣组成,其果实被称为Riberry。
由番樱桃,芝麻菜(roket Leaves),葵花籽,山羊乳干酪,蜂蜜制成的营养沙拉
Lemon Myrtle 澳洲桃金娘
澳洲桃金娘学名为Bachousia Citriadora,生长于昆州中部和亚热带雨林地区,属于常绿植物。其花朵为乳白色,直径5-7厘米,一般成促生长在熟知末端,花期从夏天持续至秋天。之所以被称为Lemon Scented Myrtle是因为其叶子被碾碎后,会散发出一股强烈的柠檬香味,后来澳洲食品产业为了推广其叶子在烹饪上的用途,使用了更简短的名字Lemon Myrtle。
澳洲桃金娘是非常著名的丛林美味,被称为“柠檬香草皇后”(Queen of the Lemon Herbs),早在1788年以前,原住民就把Lemon Myrtle当作药材和调味料使用。其叶子通常被晒干,碾碎后当作香料,放在酥饼、意大利面中做调味料,或者整片放入烤鱼中,或者作为香料加入澳洲坚果油中,或制成混合茶及柠檬口味的甜点。也可以通过蒸馏添加到精油,蜡烛,香皂及护肤品中。
Honeypot Ant 蜜罐蚁
Acacia Victoriae澳洲金合欢又被成为Elegant Wattle,是一种生长于澳洲干旱和半干旱地区的带刺灌木,适宜于生长在河漫滩平原、岩石山坡和山脊的碱性土壤中。
澳新军团日饼干(ANZAC Buscuit)就是由精制糖、面筋、澳洲坚果、椰子粉和现磨烤合欢籽粉末制成
Bush Tomato灌木番茄学名为Solanum Centrale,生长于澳洲中部干旱地区、西部沙漠地区、北领地、南澳和西澳。灌木番茄是一种橙色圆形小干果,和葡萄干一般大,通常4月-6月采摘,果实尚未成熟时呈绿色,含有有毒的茄碱,因此只有待果实完全成熟,变成橙色之后才能食用。灌木安切的味道非常可口,果肉甘甜,富含维生素C和钾,其籽微苦,时至今日,它仍是澳洲原住民的传统食材。
不光如此,还能满足你的味蕾——根据不同的季节,会有不同的有趣发现包括丛林香蕉,野西瓜,山药,山葡萄,粉红色沙滩苹果,比利山羊李子(完全与橘子中维生素C的50倍量)和野生豆类和坚果。如果热爱冒险,敢于尝试的你想重温一下“跟着贝尔去冒险”的节目,也可以尝尝木蠹蛾幼虫,明显的坚果味道和高蛋白。不要忘记蜜罐蚁也是另一种可食用的昆虫,它的甜味深受原住民的追捧! 相信爱吃会吃的你一定会食欲大开!
知名厨师Mark Olive通过研究泰国,印度,日本料理等,发现各国料理的原材料大多都是从当地生长的材料中获取。土著食物就是那些在澳洲本土生长,曾经仅被原住民当做食物的材料。当更多的人开始尝试这些曾经嗤之以鼻的食物,全球的厨师也有了好奇之心并通过各种方式探索起来。
荒野神厨的主持人 Clayton Donovan说道:“特殊调味料的使用将会越来越多”,他补充道:“外国厨师Paul Cooper为了让他自营的SurryHills餐厅菜品与众不同,于六年前就引进了如野生罗塞拉水果和柠檬香桃木等原料。”“一开始这些材料并不符合大众口味,所以点单率也较低,不过现在情况有所改变,顾客开始在菜单上寻找它们,由于我个人对这种原料的偏好,我将他们广泛的运用到了我的菜品中。”
他还兴致勃勃地说:“作为一种香料,柠檬香桃木是那么的万能并有趣,而且它还是免费的,我家周围就种植着一些柠檬香桃木树,当我想做奶冻的时候只需要走出去摘几片叶子就行了。他们带来的改变是巨大的,她的朋友K K也是其中一员,KK拥有一家名为Billy Kwong的中国餐馆,菜单中也加入了如用文火烹制的小袋鼠尾巴一类的本土菜肴。
在悉尼植物园和百年公园工作的Clarence Slockee说:“土著食物拥有其独特的味道,只需要少量的水和养分就能够茁壮成长。”丛林食物原来是非常小众的东西……但最近在一次会餐中竟尝到了指橙,太特别了!我自家也种了桃金娘,长得飞快。”
AyersRock Resort, Northern Territory
It’s a little furtherto travel, but guests at Ayers Rock Resort in the Northern Territory can followthe new Bush Tucker Trail throughout the resort’s restaurants. Dishes include Outback pizza with smoked kangaroo, emu strips, mushroom, onion, roast red pepperand bush tomato; and grilled crocodile tail dusted with bush dukkha served withspinach salad and lemon myrtle with mango dressing. A range of Bush Tuckercocktails have also been developed including a lemon myrtle martini, a quandongcapriocsa and native mint and desert lime mojito.
Entrance to Uluru andKata Tjuta National Park, Northern Territory, 1300 134 044,
Gardener’sLodge Cafe, Camperdown
Aboriginal elderAunty Beryl Van-Oploo runs this café in an historic building in Camperdown’sVictoria Park which also acts as a training ground for indigenous hospitalitystudents. The menu includes buttermilk wattleseed pancakes served with bushberries and macadamia honey; salt and pepperberry squid; and kangaroo and stoutpie with bush tomato sauce.
Cnr City andParramatta Rd, Camperdown, 0467 091 423,
BiriBiri Cafe, Redfern
Snack on quandongbread and finger lime bread while sipping lemon myrtle, aniseed or wattleseedtea at this indigenous-run Redfern café.
137 Redfern St,Redfern,
BishopSessa Bistro and Wine Bar, Surry Hills
Chef Paul Cooperloves using native ingredients such as lemon myrtle, paperbark and sea blightin his Surry Hills restaurant. Dishes include paperbark grilled banana prawn;lemon myrtle panna cotta with lemon thyme ice cream; and pan-fried Mirror dorywith smoked almonds, sea blight and fennel.
527 Crown St, SurryHills, 8065 7223,
BillyKwong, Elizabeth Bay
Chef Kylie Kwong is ahuge advocate of native produce in her Chinese eating house, with dishesincluding stir-fried Australian native greens with ginger and shiro shoyu; redbraised caramelised wallaby tail with black bean and chilli; and crispysaltbush cakes with chilli sauce.
1/28 Macleay St,Elizabeth Bay, 9332 3300,
CHISWICKand CHISWICK at the Gallery, Woollahra
Matt Moran’s Chiswickrestaurants both have onsite gardens that grow native ingredients such as lemonmyrtle and lemon aspen which are incorporated into dishes like grilled wholerainbow trout with leeks and garden herbs.
Chiswick, 65 OceanSt, Woollahra, 8388 8688
Chiswick at theGallery, Art Gallery Rd, Sydney, 9225 1819,
BentleyRestaurant & Bar, city
Since moving BentleyRestaurant & Bar to the Sydney CBD two years ago, there has been a subtlefocus placed on native ingredients in Brent Savage’s contemporary Australianmenu. Snapper with clams, sweetcorn and lemon myrtle infused sorrel; andkangaroo with purple carrot and riberry are on the menu.
Cnr Pitt and HunterStreet, Sydney, 8214 0505
TheOld Clare Hotel, Chippendale (opening soon)
When it opens The Old ClareHotel will house Clayton Wells’ Automata restaurant using ingredients such aspepperberries and riberries with dishes including slow-roasted pigeon withpickled muntries, fried caper and nasturtium. Ex-Noma chef Sam Miller will alsoopen Silvereye, where the signature dish will be whole fried-fish covered inleaves from native plants such as saltbush.
1 Kensington St,Chippendale, 8338 1708,
TheGantry Restaurant and Bar, Walsh Bay
As well as waterviews, The Gantry at Pier One in Walsh Bay offers dishes like Mirrool Creeklamb chops with roasted garlic, cherry tomato and saltbush; and Petuna seatrout with fennel, warrigal greens and tamarind. Drinks include Lady on thePier with Aylesbury Duck vodka, shaken with pink grapefruit, elderflowerliqueur and lemon myrtle; and El Gantry – Altos Blanco tequila swizzled withblueberry and herbs including kutjera, mountain pepperberry and native thyme.
11 Hickson Rd, WalshBay, 8298 9910,
TheHermitage, Leumeah
Don’t miss thewattleseed and honeycomb ice cream cake with hazelnut praline, fruit coulis andchocolate spear at this suburban favourite near Campbelltown.
5 Grange Rd, Leumeah,4628 1144,