来The Arthouse与澳大利亚的圣诞老人一起过节吧!
凡12月20日前预定圣诞节晚餐套餐的的朋友,每两位(成人)即赠送价值168元的牛排券一张,每4位更加送一瓶The Arthouse精选价值198元以上的进口起泡酒或葡萄酒哦!以此类推!
Come and spend Christmas with the Santa Claus from Down Under. If you book our set menu before the 20th, we'll give you a Steak Voucher worth 168RMB (for two person bookings) or for every four person booking we'll give you a bottle of Sparkling wine to the value of 198RMB and the Steak Voucher!
The Arthouse圣诞节大餐,不仅仅是堪比自助餐得丰盛,更重要的是必须美味,每一道菜都是精心制作,不要辜负了美好的圣诞夜晚!
We've made sure that our Christmas offering is plentiful and beautiful in flavour. Be sure you make the right choice to ensure you have the best Christmas experience possible.
We're offering the set menu below from the 23rd through to the 27th. We'll also be open for lunch on the 24th and the 25th.
In order to maintain quality, we can only provide the set menu during dinner service on the 24th and 25th.
For any Christmas Party bookings, please contact Andrew on 18602812601.
地址(Chinese Address):成都武侯区高攀东路2号彩云天会所5楼
English Address: Level 5, Caiyuntian Huisuo ("Glory House"), 2 Gaopan Dong Lu, Wuhou District
预定电话:028-69907559, 18080889641