新南威尔斯 New South Wales 工作职缺
連鎖自助餐餐廳招聘廚房學徒 1-2名 一般廚房工作 包吃的 會按表現加薪 無需英文 同事大多為香港 台灣人 0402920086 Dickson. 距離CAMPBELLTOWN火車站10分鐘路程 大型自助餐招聘廚房學徒 包吃. 無需經驗.要求勤奮.有團隊精神.能吃苦.薪水面議.每做满3个月有1周雙糧.有晋升機會.(黑工免問)有意者請聯絡
昆士兰 Queensland 工作职缺
(代Po) City餐廳招外場女服務生,有經驗中英文流利,客人多為外國人,平日能上班,有興趣的請聯繫0449665454
西澳 Western Australia 工作职缺
代徵 海鮮店招聘 服務員數名 (女) 需守時,誠懇,勤力和以禮待人 需有良好英文,中文 懂馬來文,廣東話會優先考慮 最少可以上班四天 包括星期六,星期日及公眾假期 工作地點:Carousel Shopping Center ,Cannington. 對面Woolworths 有意者請親臨本店面試 (Aunty ) 非誠勿擾
维多利亚 Victoria 工作职缺
墨尔本大洋路上中餐厅招聘 1. 招收有经验厨房杂工和厨师 2.招收服务员,要求英文流利,吃苦耐劳,有责任心 工作稳定,提供食宿,工资高待遇好,可打税交养老金 有意者请联系 Anne 0488038158,非诚勿扰,谢谢!
北领地 Northern Territory 工作职缺
Dental assist/receptionist this is a job that could allow you to travel and work anywhere in the world . this position requires dedicated person , willing to learn and be a team player . on the job training is provided for the right candidate. please ring 89454070
南澳 South Australia 工作职缺
急招 阿德萊德的Welland商場裡 正規有/無經驗按摩師 無經驗可提供免費培訓 天天有保底 分成4成起跳 Michelle 電話:0421824602 請用簡訊聯繫 *只是想試試或等工廠通知請勿擾
塔斯马尼亚 Tasmania 工作职缺
Geronimo Aperitivo Bar and Restaurant is looking for an enthusiastic hospitality professional to join our growing team. We are looking for someone who is enthusiastic about food, alcohol and people. Hospitality is what drives us and we want someone to drive the guest experience. Our style is unique and people have recognised that we have a point of difference. It’s fast paced and exciting if your up for a challenge? Send us your resume to [email protected] and we look forward to meeting you