
场景一: 店员问候
Staff: Can I help you with anything? / what I can do for you?
Are you looking for anything specific?
You: I am just browsing / I am just looking around 我只是随便看看
Staff: let me know if you need anything 有需要的时候来找我
You: sure, thank you
I am looking for~~~. (具体的衣服种类名称可参照上篇公众文)
场景二: 打折信息
Staff: Hey, just so you know, the whole store is 50% off today. Anything that you pick is 50% off its current price. 今天全店打5折,你选任何的一件都半价。
The clothings in your left side are on sale at the moment, you can buy one and get on free. 你左手边的衣服有减价,可以买一送一
You: Do you have anything with discount /on sale?
Can I get a fitting room?/ where is the fitting room?/ where I can try this on?
(或者) Could I try this on?/ Could I try these on? 可以试穿吗?
Staff: What size are you?/ what size do you take? 你穿什么尺码的?
You: I take a size ~~~我是……码
You:Do you have this in a size~~? 请问有这个码吗
Could you measure my waist/ chest/ hips please? 可以帮忙量一下我的腰围/胸围/臀围吗?
Staff: Are you doing okay there?
You: Yeah, I am doing great. Thanks for asking.
It's much too small / It's a little too small
It's a little too big /It's much too big
Have you got this in a smaller size? Can I get a size down for this style ?
Have you got this in a larger size?/ Can I get a size up for this style ?
说道尺码就不得不给大家提一下澳洲的尺码,买衣服一般也是分S, M,L,XL这些尺码,但澳洲尺码可能会偏大一点。买鞋的话,大陆使用的是欧标,澳洲6码相当于国内37, 7码相当于国内39,8相当于国内41~~~)

Staff: How did it work out? 怎么样,有什么要买的吗?
It didn’t work out 没有想要买的 (然后你就可以走了)
Is this the only colour you've got? 你们只有这一种颜色吗?
What are these made of? 这是什么质地?
Are these washable? 可以水洗吗?
I am taking these ones/I will take them (我要这几件)

Staff:I can help the next guest here / Next one please 请下一位结账
Staff: Are you finding everything ok today?
You : everything is great
Staff: Are you paying with cash or card ? 现金还是卡支付?
You: I am paying by cash
(0r ) I am paying with debit card(借记卡)/credit card(信用卡)
Staff: Can you input your pin number for me? 可以输入密码吗
Staff: Can you swipe your card/ insert your card please?可以刷卡/插卡付费
Staff: Do you have a reward card/membership card with us ?你有积分卡/会员卡吗?

Staff: How Can I help you?
You: I would like to return this dress and get the refund please 我想退掉这条裙子并且退款
Staff: Do you have the receipt? 可以出示你的收据吗?
You: Yeah, here it is
Staff: May I ask why you’re returning this dress?
You: It is a bit small for me
Staff: Would you like to exchange it? 你想换条裙子吗
You: No,I would like to return it . 不用,我还是想退货
