Australia's National Day is fast approaching! Thursday 26th January will see The Arthouse Tangba Jie come alive with great deals on Australian Beer, Aussie Meat Pies and a BBQ feast.
1月26日,春节逼近,也是澳大利亚国庆日的时刻!作为澳洲窗口餐吧,ARTHOUSE澳洲酒肉馆自然不可坐以待毙,我们准备了所有的澳洲特色给大家呈现出一个成都的小小澳大利亚!澳洲BBQ, 澳洲啤酒,澳洲TOP100流行音乐榜!
The Arthouse will also introduce the great Australian beer label Little Creatures! The story of Little Creatures began in Fremantle, Western Australia where it quickly grew a national reputation. We'll have a range of Little Creatures beers available at exceptional prices!
We'll also be serving our handcrafted Aussie meat pies all day long (both beef and chicken, mushroom & leek). At 6:30pm, we'll crank up the BBQ and serve a big BBQ platter. RSVP is required for the BBQ, as resources are limited that day.
Triple J will be churning out the Hottest 100 all day as well as plenty of sport on the TV screens.
最重要的是:仅!限!预!订!028- 81474530