雅思口语预测 ★★★★ - 2014/05/10
2014年4月26日的考试是A类only的考试,跟小雅哥之前预计的差异不大,整体难度适中,听力阅读以常规题型为主,写作部分小作文考了Bar chart,大作文则是考了经典的教育类,参加了该场考试的小伙伴们都感觉还不错!~
该来的就一定会来!~4月26日考试的口语部分果然出现了部分新题,比如part 1部分的Food,TV program, happiness以及part 2部分的A thing helps you to learn another language;A stranger that helps you; A product made in your country等等;小雅哥断定,这将是一次信号,一次雅思官方变题的信号,小雅哥预计5月10日的考试中将会有不少口语新题的出现,各位小烤鸭们一定要做好准备!~如果考试的时候考到新题,想一想自己之前准备话题有没有可以“微变化套用”的相关idea。不要惊慌,发挥自己最真实的水平才是考到目标分数的必要条件。
更多雅思口语话题9分答案请先关注灭雅思微信神器: mel51ielts
Part I
V51131013 (cooking)
V51131003/ V51131004 (Work/Study),
V51131006 (Sunshine) ,
V51131023 (Plants) ,
V51131029(Clothes) ,
V51131030(Birthdays) ,
V51131031(Accommodation) ,
V51141037 Language ,
V51141039(Housework) ,
V51131011 Patience
V51131014 Advertisement
V51131019 Leisure Time
V51131021 Being Busy
V51131032 Train
V51141038 Internet
Part II & Part III
A thing helps you to learn another language;
A stranger that help you;
A product made in your country
V51132002(A Disliked High School Subject) ,
V51132002(A Useful Website) ,
V51132008(family business) ,
V51132010(Sth. you cannot live without) ,
V51132013(A Foreign Language) ,
V51132014(A Decision) ,
V51132017(TV Program) ,
V51132021(An Interesting Speech) ,
V51132024(weather) ,
V51132033(historical event) ,
V51132036(outdoor activity) ,
V51132041(interesting person) ,
V51132043(tourist attraction),
V51132045(place near water) ,
V51132051(A Seaside Place) ,
V51142053(Sth. You saved money for),
V51142055(Ads) ,
V51142058(A Busy Time) ,
V51142059(friend you haven’t seen) ,
V51142061(a time you were helped),
V51142064(A Historic Building)
V51132005 (A Meal You Like),
V51132009 (Your Future Work Plans),
V51132019 (Your Favourite Season),
V51132022 (An Item of Clothing),
V51132038 (A Person U’d Like to Spend Time With),
V51132042 (An Old Person You Enjoy Talking To),
V51132044 (An Interesting Country),
V51142054 (A Gift You Would Like To Give),
V51142056 (An Old Thing in Your Family),
V51142057 (A Film You Dislike),
V51142063 (A Comic Actor),
V51142065 (Describe a course you studied in university)
雅思写作预测 ★★★ - 2014/05/10
4月26日的A类小作文考了Bar Chart, 在无忧小雅哥的预测中!~考察的是compare the percentage of films released and percentage of cinema tickets sold from 1996 to 2006, including four film types: drama, comedy, fantasy and romance;
4月26日的A类大作文是一道老题,在2010年6月19日曾今出现过,几乎是一模一样,一个字都未改变;无忧小雅哥100%预测命中,在之前一期的预测中无忧小雅哥特地强调了教育类,并重点预测远程教育是否取代实体教学!果然,丝毫不差,看过之前无忧小雅哥预测的同学们这次算是有福了!具体的题目如下:With the spread of the internet, many people choose to work and study at home instead of travelling to workplaces and colleges. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh disadvantages?
从题型的方面来看,4月26日考察的是Do advantages outweigh disadvantages类的话题,也在无忧小雅哥上一期的预测之中!~同学们必须两方面都要提到,如果只是单单说了advantage或者disadvantage,Task response方面都会失分哦!~
5月10日有考试的童鞋们应重点关注社会现象及发展类,旅游及文化类,此外老人与育儿类及政府投资类也需要重点关注;另外,无忧小雅哥温馨提醒,流程图及题图题题型在5月的考试中很可能会出现,同学们需要留意并准备!~5月10日的考试A类小作文重点还是以Pie chart,Table,流程图和地图题,以及Mixed chart为主;
Task 1 题型预测如下:
Pie Chart 30% | Table 30% | Mix Chart 20% | 流程图及地图题 20%
2014年4月26日的A类大作文的难度并不高,是一道经典的教育类的题型,With the spread of the internet, many people choose to work and study at home instead of travelling to workplaces and colleges. Do you think the advantages of this development outweigh disadvantages?
该题目的属于Do advantages outweigh disadvantages的题型,所以同学们必须要讨论advantages以及disadvantages两个方面!此外,从这道题的题干来看,with the spread of the internet这个是一个限定条件,同学们必须要在文章中提及;此外,work and study是两个不同的方面,小烤鸭们也必须在作文中讨论,缺一不可!~
针对于5月10日的考试,A类的小伙伴们需要重点关注“discuss both views and give your opinion”这类题型!~此外,冷门题型“is it a positive or negative development”以及answer the question类的题型也需要关注哦!
从2014年已经进行的13场考试情况来看,无忧小雅哥判断,2014年5月10日的考试,A类同学们还是应该重点关注. 社会现象及发展类,旅游及文化类,老人与育儿类,也需要适当关注政府投资类。
Task 2 题型预测如下:
社会现象及发展类 30% | 旅游及文化类 30% | 老人与育儿类 20% | 政府投资类 20%
从2014年的9场已经进行的G类考试来看,大作文无论是题型还是类别,均考得比较分散,Discuss both views and give your opinion出现了4次,reason and solution出现了2次, agree or disagree出现了2次,answer the question的题型也有一次出现;小雅哥大胆预测,5月10日G类考“To what extent do you agree or disagree?”以及“reason & solution”这两种题型的概率非常非常高,此外,“is it a positive or negative development”这种常规题型的准备也不能忽视。
政府投资类 30% | 教育类 30% | 社会现象及发展类 20% | 老人与育儿类 20%