
2019年07月31日 无忧小雅哥















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 Australian Institute of Language IELTS Test Centre】









Part 1  口语考试技巧(1) —— 放轻松+多角度回答问题

Having the jitters before your Speaking test? Here's some helpful advice before you step into that speaking room:

📚 Leave the stress behind - Stress is your worst enemy! If you don't believe in yourself, you can't expect the examiner to believe in you either

📚 Just a chit-chat - Think of this 15-minute talk as a chat with your family, colleague, or friend rather than a test that you are evaluated on to feel less intimidated and speak better

📚 How you say it matters - Even with simple sentences, you can paint a clearer and better picture in the listener's mind by putting emphasis on certain words. Instead of saying "we ordered a large pizza", you can deliver your message more clearly simply by raising your tone at "large"

📚 Have a structure - Being coherent is the best way to earn marks

 > Start with an opening: “It's hard to make a choice between those two, but if I really had to choose...”

> Give your answer: “I would choose the countryside over the city”

> Always ask yourself why, and then tell the reason: “... because the countryside is more peaceful than the city”

> Express your opinion: “... and I feel like I would enjoy country life more since it's stress-free”

> Conclude: “I think these are the reasons why I would choose to live in the countryside”

Part 2 口语考试技巧(2)——多多练习,常看脱口秀或是一个不错的选择


📝 Get a good understanding of the band descriptors
For you to do well, you need to know what you are judged on!

1. Fluency and Coherence
> Speaking smoothly with minimal hesitation, proper transitions and at a normal rate
> You can improve on fluency by making use of transitional words to organize your answer/response e.g. “Moreover”, “In addition”, “Firstly”

2. LexicalResource
> Using a wide range of vocabulary which is of a higher-level i.e. not limiting yourself to a repetition of simple and low-level words e.g. good/bad or overuse certain expressions such as “I like”

3. Grammar Range and Accuracy
> Correct use of grammar according to the context
E.g. if you are required to talk about past experiences in Part 2 of the speaking Test, past tense would be appropriate here.

4. Pronunciation
> Pronouncing words correctly and speaking in a clear manner such that the examiner can easily understand you. Thus, in this case, speaking too softly would be an issue even if you have correct pronunciations.
> Having an accent is not a problem as long as you are speaking clearly!

📝 Find out the stress management technique which works for you if you think you are going to be really nervous for the test

📝 Create a list of possible topics which could be asked about and learn the related vocabulary for them e.g. Food --> Cuisine, Friends --> Acquaintances

📝 Learn the use of a variety of expressions to showcase your vocabulary and language ability

> For example, under opinion expressions: do not limit yourself to simply “I think”. Instead, also include others such as “In my opinion”, “It appears to me that”


> Practice speaking to your friends & family and in other times, speak to yourself in front of the mirror such that you can notice your body language as well as the eye contact you are making, which are important in giving a good impression during the Speaking Test. By doing these, you can also gain confidence overtime

> If you are getting tired from all the practice you have had, take a break and watch an American/English TV show you like! One thing you could do is to put on the English subtitles and follow after the actors and actresses as they talk to practice on your pronunciation and fluency in speaking as well as learn about vocabulary and grammar.


Part3  写作技巧——如何改正常见语法错误


1/ Using Contractions

Contractions are used frequently in spoken English to shorten words. However, they should not be used in the IELTS Writing test.

2/ Inserting Numbers Instead ofWords

Another common IELTS mistake is typing a number instead of writing out the word for that number. This shortcut has its place in some forms of writing, but should not be used in the IELTS Writing exam.

3/ Combining TwoComplete Sentences with a Comma

You either have to use a semicolon (;) ora conjunction (and/or/but).

4/ Being TooVerbose

When you are too verbose, you are using more words than needed. Try to cut out phrases and words that are not relevant to the task response. This will not only help reduce your word count if you tend to write too much, but will also help your writing to be more coherent and concise.

5/ Using ‘The’ Incorrectly

Article misuse is one of the most common IELTS mistakes by ESL students. For many learners, it just isn’t part of their native language, so learning it in English makes it doubly hard.

As a rough guideline, we use ‘the’ before:

✔ Places where the name refers to a group of islands or states: the USA, the UK, theMiddle East, the UAE

✔ Cardinal numbers: the first of day of the month, the second survey shows

✔ Superlatives: the shortest, the longest, the lowest, the highest

✔ Nounswhen you are talking about a specific person, place or thing: the government of India, the river in Calcutta, India, the man across the street has a beard

✔ Nowhere there is only one in the entire world: the internet, the environment, the ozone layer, the atmosphere.


  听力技巧—— 专注 不要放过任何一个细节


1. Changes in giving the answer

For example, you will hear: 
👩🏼: The social club is on Friday at 3.00pm. 🧔🏼: Thank you, I'll take note of that.

👩🏼: Oh hold on a minute, sorry but I just remembered that this Friday there is another event and club events are postponed to the following week."

The answer should be nextFriday/next week.

2. Similar words might not be the right answer.

3. Answers can come quickly and slowly so it is essential to take note of them on time. They may also be a gap in between answers. This happens frequently in Part 4.The key is to focus and listen actively 😎. If you do not concentrate, you are in danger of missing answers. 😱



Do you know that there are two types of IELTS tests?

The right IELTS test for you depends on the purpose of taking the test.

Generally, the academic type is necessary for those who want to apply for higher education or professional registration in an English speaking environment. On the other hand, the general training type is a requirement for secondary education, work experience or training programs in English speaking countries.

Nevertheless, individual organizations may have different requirements. You should pay attention on what type of IELTS test that is eligible for the organization that you are applying! 😉





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