1. 相近句式的改写替换
比如Meal times can not be changed.
可以说成:No changes should be made to meal times.
2. 数字替换
题干:The open hour of the pub:____
原文:The pub is closed from 6pm to 7am
3. 和比较相关
题干:The best way :___
原文: … , it seems to be a better choice.
4. 加减关系的逻辑替换
如:Every year he is out of London for 7 months.
也就是说: He is in London for 5 months per year.
5. 改写逻辑替换
原文: Rexford is just 35 minutes from London Airport.
题目答案:C. near London Airport
2)原文:We had no money to pay the bills
What problem did we face in 2001:
A. I t couldn’t meet its overheads.
6. 因果逻辑替换
Because----- depend on/ rely on/be based on/ be decided by/ be determined by/ be influenced by/ be controlled by
Result →→→ Reason:
because (of), due to, as a result of, result from, on account of, owing to, be attributed to
Reason →→→ Result :
cause, lead to, result in, reason for,
bring to/about, give rise to
aim at, in order to ,with the aim of
以上就是同义替换常见的六种类型, 了解每种类型的特点后, 同学们自己也要多去总结题目。通过上面的讲述,同学们是不是对同义替换有了更多的认识呢?通过上文已经了解了同意替换的关键考点, 针对重点,运筹帷幄,方可胜券在握!