【Dina老师原创】雅思口语Part 3 回答思路 (Part 2 /2)

原创 2016年11月08日 曼拓教育

上期文章给大家分享在口语part 3 的回答思路:对题目的关键字进行细分,例如people可以根据年龄,地区,经济状况和性别等来区分说明。本期文章将和大家分享一下如何把分析报告中的思考模型运用到口语中。
雅思口语的Part 3 更像一个口头作文,回答需要有逻辑才能避免意思和用词重复。另外需要从多角度来讨论问题。一些问题除了从个体的角度,也可以从宏观的角度来展开。在分析问题时,大家比较常用到的是SWOT模型(strength, weakness, opportunity, 和threat)。除了SWOT以外, PEST模型也是非常实用的,指的是从political, economy, social和technological层面展开问题。另外我们还可以加入E上添加一个环境角度(environmental)。
Do you think it is a good idea that everyone has a car?

No, I don’t think it is a good idea. Because if there are more cars, the traffic jam problem will be more serious. And more cars would cause more air pollution.

No, everyone owning a car is not great idea to me, although it sounds appealing. It could not be denied that having a car could greatly improve one’s life quality. He/she could travel freely without the need to consider the public transport schedule. However, if it were the case, it could bring significant consequences. Firstly, from the environmental perspective,as we all know that vehicle emission is a major contribution to air pollution and greenhouse effect. One car per person would make it almost impossible to achieve the international goal of improving air quality and slowing down the trend of global warming. On the other hand, from a social perspective, it is impractical and unrealistic to have so many vehicles, as nowadays the infrastructure of many metropolitans and many urban areas are almost at their full capacity.  It is unlikely for those areas to sustain that large amount of transportation. If there are so many more cars of the road, the traffic congestion problem will be much more serious. The more commuting time spent on the road, the less time people have for leisure,and the more anxious and stressful people will be. A lot of problems would arise, if people were not in a good mood, such as low efficiency at work, inharmonious family relationship or even accidents. So, having considered these two factors, I do not support the idea of universal car ownership.


白班(11月14日):每周一至五 10:00-12:00     

晚班(11月14日):每周一至五 18:00-20:00    


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