2014/01/25 雅思听力回忆
S1:旧题V111201S1=V30072S1,找搬家公司international removal,从悉尼搬到华盛顿,6个填空 + 4个matching
S2:旧题V111201S2=V09134S2, 火灾的防御知识,分析怎样阻止bushfire,10个填空
S3: 旧题 V111201S3=V09102, 一个女生在酒店实习的感受,配对各个岗位情况,单选题,主讲话的Mona(女)印度口音!
大家普遍反映section 2和3的信息量比较大,速度快。Section4中的印度口音很重,但是无忧小雅哥还是要再次强调:即使是非英文母语的人在说,是答案的位置一定会是标准的英文!而大家明显感受到口音的位置,都没有答案!这点请大家放心
2014/01/25 雅思阅读回忆
S1:New:Lie detector 测谎技术的使用,题型有:6个T/F/NG + 7个填空
S2:Climate and country wealth/ wealth in a cold climate, 气象条件跟国家经济之间的关系,题型有:7个Heading + 6填空
S3:V100415 Cave Art,题型有:5个T/F/NG + 5个Contain information + 4个complete sentence with list
本场考试阅读的难度也相对较低,题型方面还是以填空题和T/F/NG居多(微信输入4003),各有13题和11题。无忧小雅哥想再次提醒大家:应该要在这些不乱序的细节题上尽量拿分(微信输入4002)! 今年1月的考试中,阅读填空题的数量有增无减,而相对难做的summary + list和complete sentence + list出现不多(只有25号出现了4题),说明雅思阅读的整体走向还是会延续2013年的风格!
2014/01/25 雅思写作回忆
2014年1月25日是A类only的考试,烤鸭们的普遍感受是这次的考试好简单,不单单是听力阅读简单,写作也终于回归正常题型,大作文考了最常规的To what extent do you agree or disagree的题型,小作文则是出了最最easy的pie chart;
2014年1月25日的A类大作文题目并不难,The international community must act immediately to ensure that all countries reduce their consumption of fossil fuels, e.g. Gas and oil. To what extent do you agree or disagree. 该题型属于社会现象及发展类,“international community”,“immediately”,“all countries”是该题目的三个关键点,文章必须解决这三个点,不然Task Response 就会失分哦!~与此同时,all countries也是一个很好的梳理文章结构的突破口。烤鸭们可以partially agree这个论点,认为发达国家必须立即停止fossil fuels的消费,因为这会影响环境。。。发展中国家,尤其是欠发达国家不应该包括在内,因为fossil fuels可以帮助这些国家加强基础设施建设,提高人们的生活水平,解决许多问题。
The international community must act immediately to ensure that all countries reduce their consumption of fossil fuels, e.g. Gas and oil. To what extent do you agree or disagree.
黄色部分highlight出来的这三个点是本次A类大作文的关键,文章必须解决这三个点,不然Task Response 就会失分哦!~与此同时,all countries也是一个很好的梳理文章结构的突破口。烤鸭们可以partially agree这个论点,认为发达国家必须立即停止fossil fuels的消费,因为这会影响环境。。。发展中国家,尤其是欠发达国家不应该包括在内,因为fossil fuels可以帮助这些国家加强基础设施建设,提高人们的生活水平,解决许多问题。
Modern society has grown increasingly dependent on the consumption of fossil fuels. <交代题目的背景,一句话足矣> However, we must look to reducing our usage of fossil fuels, not only because they are a finite resource and will eventually run out, but also because they are major contributors to global warming. <笔者在文introduction中埋下伏笔,强调两个着重将要强调的论点>
As the main culprits of global warming, our consumption of fossil fuels must be decreased in order to preserve the environment and reverse the possible damage already caused. <中心句用不同的表达说明fossil fuels 是造成环境问题的源头> The amount of fossil fuels burnt to run modern societies is massive, releasing huge amounts of greenhouse gases into the environment exacerbating the damage already caused by global warming. In order to protect the environment so that future generations do not have to deal with this ever mounting <非常实用的表达,烤鸭小伙伴们可以学一学> problem, it is crucial for us to limit our consumption immediately. <强调题干,immediately>
We must also lessen our reliance on <也是一个非常不错的表达,值得一学> fossil fuels as this is a limited resource and we will eventually use up the world’s supply. It is apparent how important fossil fuels are in our daily lives; the cars we drive and the electricity that powers <名词作动词,非常形象> our homes are all provided through burning fossil fuels and as we reach the end of our limited supply of fossil fuels, we will struggle to cope with demand. Therefore it is obvious that we must be proactive in the reduction of our consumption of fossil fuels and perhaps even look to alternative energy sources.
Due to our obvious reliance on fossil fuels, we must act now in order to prevent further harm to the environment, as well as <这样的连接词,童鞋们也要学会经常使用哦> to become more sustainable so that we will not face a shortage of energy in the future.
无忧小雅哥点评:该范文并没有阐述过多的观点,仅仅两个观点而已,fossil fuels是有限的资源;fossil fuels是造成环境问题的根源;但是作者对于每一个观点的阐述非常深入,非常到位,这是所有目标在7分以上的烤鸭们必须学的。观点不在于多,而在于精!~
2014/01/25 雅思口语回忆
2014年1月25日口语几乎没有任何新题出现,2013年的许多老题都反复出现,绝大多数题目都已汇总整理在无忧口语机经里面!但小雅哥发现有些part 2的考题会由之前的老题目“微变化”而来,有点小区别,但是多数题目都是可以互相套用内容的!~所以小雅哥建议各位烤鸭们,不能有侥幸心理只准备高频的几题,别的题目也要准备哦!
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