Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer Transcript
最近常考的高频题中,有一道题,瞬间吸引了小雅哥的注意力——Artistic activity… 飘过一眼,这是神马鬼?定睛一看,artistic? 从小和艺术就无缘的小雅哥,顿时语塞,不知道该如何描述这个话题,如何说满两分钟了。相信不少烤鸭们也和小雅哥一样,看到这个话题,有种心塞的感觉…
不要紧张,来看看高分的口语sample answer,看看人家Niubility的牛人,都是怎么回答这道题的吧!~
Cue Card
Artistic activity
Describe an artistic activity you did at school or university.
You should say:
What the activity was
When and where did it
Who you did it with
And explain how you felt about this activity.
I have been involved in several arts classes and I remember I enjoyed my painting classes at high school a lot. Well, I am a big fan of painting and my painting teacher was very helpful and fun to work with as well.
In one of my painting classes my classmates and I were required to draw a human body in 3D minutes. Our teacher sat in front of the class and he asked us to draw him and this was pretty much a part of our assessment so we were all under pressure and time wasn’t on our side.
The hardest part of this painting activity was to draw his facial features in 3D and this was not an easy task for us because back then we were fairly new to this class and I considered my painting skills as elementary and basic. This task had to be done individually so I couldn’t get help from anyone so I was totally on my own.
After several attempts I finally managed to draw him and my teacher was actually impressed by my painting and he praised my work of art and gave me an A+ for my outstanding piece of work. I feel this artist activity wasn’t just about getting a good mark but it was also about unlocking students talents in arts. What I mean is that we were pushed very hard and gained some valuable skills. For example, my sense of imagination and creativity improved a lot and I actually miss my classes and I wish I can paint more in the near future.
Anyway, I know that most students dislike arts and they prefer to focus more on core subjects such as maths, physics, chemistry and biology but I personally think that arts is an important part of life and we should not ignore the importance of arts classes including painting, music and any other forms of arts.
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