
2018年03月13日 Seed读职场

刚刚过去的Labour Day假期大家有没有好好享受到不用劳动的幸福呢?




I encourage each and every international student and other students who don’t have any Australian experience to join this job ready program

Arjan Singh

Tax Accountant & Internship 

Program Trainee

Arjan研究生读的是Master of Accounting & Finance,可以说是妥妥的高学历+专业对口了,但是毕业后由于缺少澳洲本地的实践经验,依然难以在澳洲的就业市场中找到一份工作。于是他找到了Seed,先在Tax Accountant Program学到了会计行业的实用软件技能和行业实际案例,继而通过Internship Program成功找到一份实习。最大的好消息是实习期Arjan的表现令雇主非常满意,现在他已经获得了正式的job offer!(此处需要掌声)

I was invited for an interview for an internship and was very lucky to have been offered a job position as the employers were very impressed by my skills gained at Seed Training Group

Lucia Duan

Financial Planner Job Ready 

Program Trainee

Lucia在参加我们的课程之前,经历过很长一段的纠结期,她去了各种讲座、求职展会,咨询过很多家培训机构,最终选择了Seed。在培训过程中,John老师专业的教学水平和认真负责的态度让Lucia受益良多。在课程结束不到一个月的时间,Lucia就收到了Westpac personal banking advisor的offer!(掌声再次响起来)

The Program was very helpful in helping me gain the Accounting skills that employers demand. After my training. Seed Training Group offered me an internship position in a Melbourne-based organisation where I work as a Finance Intern.

Catherine Yip

Tax Accountant & Internship 

Program Trainee

Catherine15年12月毕业,同样在求职市场中屡屡受挫的她来到了Seed,最终在培训后成为一家墨尔本本地企业的Finance Intern.

I encourage each and every international student and other students who don’t have any Australian experience to join this job ready program

Brian Lailin

GeneralAccounting & Internship

Program Trainee




最后,祝大家都能收获一份满意的job offer哦!



*Terms and conditions apply.

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