【CCL干货】CCL welfare系列(四):理财服务讯息

原创 2020年12月09日 笔果英语

· 希望自学CCL,却苦于找不到合适的CCL资料?

· 对澳大利亚法律、福利、


· 不知道拿到手的CCL单词表怎么利用?

· 每段CCL对话的背景知识都不精通?


CCL对话内容横跨五大主题 (legal, welfare, medical, business, education),每个主题都有很多细分话题和相关的背景知识,不论是自学备考CCL还是在老师指导下学习CCL的同学,五大话题里的背景知识都是一块不能轻视的内容。即使在我们考官亲授的CCL课程中(……顺便给大家发个广告传单),老师都会重点讲解每一个话题里经常考到的热点知识来帮助同学们更好地积累和运用。



1. 看文本:记录welfare细分话题相关规定及细节(不要忘记数字噢!);
2. 听音频:音频由口音纯正的老师亲自录制,重点抓取文本里中英双译的key words,记录单词并积累单词。

  文本: 理财信息提供  


中 文 文 本

详 情 :


Person 1: 我想节省更多的钱,我可以在哪里得到帮我理财的信息呢,我可以在哪里得到帮我理财的信息呢?

Person 2: 寻找帮助聪明理财的信息是个好主意,不但可以帮你改变生活,还可以使你的未来有经济保障。人事服务部 Department of Human Services 可以帮助你。 

Person 1: 这个 Department of Human Services 怎样帮我理财呢?

Person 2: 这个部门的财务信息服务 Financial Information Service,简称 FIS,可以提供免费、独立和专业的金融信息。它可以帮助你理财并实现你的目标。这项服务向社区所有人开放。

Person 1: 我怎样和 FIS 联系呢?

Person 2: FIS 会通过讲座提供教育和信息,你也可以通过电话或预约与财务信息服务的官员 FIS Officer 交谈。FIS讲座的对象包括工薪人士,以及准备退休或者已经退休的民众。讲座的课程包括:创造财富,理解公积金,养老金的选择,减少房贷压力和理解房产 投资。

Person 1: 这些讲座在哪里举办?

Person 2: 讲座在城市和乡镇都有。这些讲座都是免费的,你可以多次参加。所有的讲座也欢迎家庭和团体来参加,但一定要提前预订。

Person 1: 还有什么我需要知道的吗?

Person 2: 有。重要的是请记住,FIS officers 不是理财顾问。他们不会给你任何购买金融产品的建议或向你出售任何咨询服务。他们也不会替你计算你的退休金或者帮你做出任何决定。


英 文 文 本

详 情 :

Financial Information Service

Question 1: I am trying to save more of my income. Where can I go for information on how to do this? 

It’s a great idea to seek information on how to be smarter with your money, as this can open up new lifestyle options for you and help make sure your future is financially secure. The Department of Human Services can help with this. 

Question 2: How can the Department of Human Services help me with financial information? 

The department’s Financial Information Service, or FIS, provides free-of-charge, independent and expert financial information. This can help you better manage your money and reach your goals. The service is available to everyone in the community. 

Question 3: How can I speak with FIS? 

FIS provides education and information through seminars, or you can talk to a FIS Officer by phone or at an appointment. FIS seminars are aimed at people in the workforce, as well as people who are about to retire, or have already retired. Some of the topics covered in the seminars include: creating wealth, understanding superannuation, Age Pension and your choices, reducing your mortgage and understanding property investment. 

Question 4: Where are seminars held? 

Seminars are held in both city and country locations. Seminars are free, and you can attend as many as you like. Families and groups are welcome at all seminars, but booking is essential. 

Question 5: Is there anything else I need to know? 

Yes, it is important to remember that FIS officers are not financial planners. They do not give or sell advice or purchase investment products. They do not make calculations or decisions about your pension. 

Question 6: Where can I find out more? 

For more information about payments and services, you can: • go to humanservices.gov.au • visit your nearest service centre, or • for information in Mandarin, call 131 202. That number again – 131 202. Call charges may vary depending on the telephone service provider. Calls from public telephones and mobile phones may be charged at a higher rate.




重点抓取文本里中英双译的key words,记录单词并积累单词。




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【一:学生福利金介绍 + 热点单词】



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