
2020年03月13日 澳大利亚驻成都总领事馆

为了支持受疫情影响的中国朋友们,澳大利亚各界通过捐款捐物、疫苗研发以及各种活动,共同努力帮助抗击疫情。日前,墨尔本市政厅举办了主题为“风雨同舟、共克时艰”的活动,来自墨尔本市政府,工商界、文化教育界和华人社团的共三百余位代表出席了活动,同墨尔本市市长莎莉·卡普女士一起为中国呐喊加油。在活动中,正在带领澳大利亚Peter Doherty感染与免疫研究所进行新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)疫苗的研发工作的Mike Catton博士也表示很自豪能够为抗击疫情做出更多贡献。通过视频一起回顾活动现场,以及来自各个机构团体的支持信息吧! 

Australian people have been actively making donations, developing vaccines and organizing activities to support the fight against the epidemic in China. A few days ago, the Melbourne City Hall held an event entitled "Through the storm, overcome the difficulties together". More than 300 representatives from the City of Melbourne, business, culture and education and the Chinese community joined Melbourne Mayor Sally Capp to voice their support. During the event, Dr. Mike Catton, who is currently leading The Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity to conduct the research and development of COVID-19 vaccine, said he was proud to contribute to the fight against epidemic. Watch the video to see the support messages from the event and interview of various organizations in Australia!


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