不论是和谁,以何种情况收发邮件,都需要注意一些约定俗成的文法和格式~ 尤其是G类的烤鸭们,书信更是每次写作都会考到的一部分。而其中,书信的TONE又是非常重要的一个得分点~
那么经常在邮件结尾处写的sincerely,best wishes这类有什么区别呢?
*排列顺序:informal 至 formal
Very personal. Used between lovers, family members and close friends.
这个落款非常非常的 “随意”。经常关系非常好的朋友、情人或者亲戚中使用。书信的格式非常的informal。
Very casual. Used between friends. Can be used between co-workers if you want to appear very casual; at the risk of sounding unprofessional.
这是个一个非常casual的词汇。可以在同事之间使用~ 如果说你们平时关系不错的话~ 当然,冒昧的使用这个词也有可能会有一种不那么 “专业”的意味~
Take care
Causal and used between friends
Thanks/Thank you
“Thanks” is very casual and “thank you” is formal. Usually used in a business setting.
“Thank you” is a great way to end an email to a stranger, especially if you are making a request or asking a question.
这个落款相信大家都懂的啦~ thanks要比thank you更casual一些。可以在商务方面使用。如果给不认识的人写信时,thank you 是一个不选的选择~ 特别是当你的信件内容是想要拜托别人或者询问别人~
Yours/Yours truly/ Truly
Casual or business casual. A more personal, but still polite way to end the letter. You have probably met the recipient in real life.
这三个都可以用在比较casual的business场景中~ 虽说casual,但也比较礼貌~
Best wishes
Casual or business casual. A polite way to end the letter. Can be used between friends or strangers. Use of personal letters to friends.
同样,这个也是business casual的落款~可以在朋友和陌生人中使用,也比较礼貌的结尾方式~再朋友的个人信件中也可以使用哦~
Regards/ Best regards
Formal/Business casual. You would use this if the recipient is someone you have not met in real life.
这个落款就比较正式啦~ 如果是日常生活中没有见过的收件人,也可以使用这个落款哦~
Sincerely/ Yours sincerely
Formal or business casual. The standard letter ending. “Sincerely” is the most versatile ending because it can be used to end either casual or formal correspondence. If you are unsure about how to sign your letter, use “sincerely”.
正式的、正规的落款~ sincerely是比较通用比较万能的一个ending~可以在casual或者formal的使用~ 如果你并不是很确定应该使用哪一种落款,那么就可以考虑使用sincerely~
Yours faithfully
Formal. Some people distinguish between “sincerely‘’ and “faithfully” by using “sincerely” for person when the name is known, and “faithfully” when the name is not known.
正式的落款。有些人会用是否知道收件人的姓名来区分Sincerely和Faithfully~ sincerely 可以用在当你知道收件人的姓名时;如果你不知道收件人的姓名,那么可以使用faithfully~
Formal. Used in business correspondence when the topic of the letter is serious. Sometimes used if there is a conflict between the sender and the recipient.
这个其实很正式啦~ 就算在business的情境中使用,也是在讨论一些很严肃严谨的问题~如果双方有冲突,可以选择这个词哦~
最后奉上一张关于落款的 “神图”~
墨尔本的课程请直接与“无忧小雅哥”(mr_51ielts) 联系哟~
悉尼的课程请直接与“悉尼雅思姐” (mrs_51ielts)联系哦!