Arthouse Craft & Whole Beef Ribs On Saturday! 酒肉馆精酿啤酒+多骨牛肋排上新!

2017年08月10日 OZDAD澳洲老爸美食材

Arthouse has two new draft beers on tap, bring the total to four beers on tap. The new additions include a locally brewed German style Wheat Beer and a Blueberry Pale Ale. Originally 35RMB a glass, but this Saturday (12th Aug) if you buy four glasses, they're only 25RMB a glass! Otherwise, you could buy 3L through the beer dispenser for only 190RMB. Of course, get your mates along for this one is the best choice!

Arthouse酒肉馆上新了两款自酿的精酿啤酒,德式小麦 & 蓝莓淡色艾尔,老板娘说这是最好喝,性价比最好的精酿了,为了让VIP们尝鲜,原价35/杯(已经很良心),周六50元/2杯~~ 或者3L大酒炮190元!一定是周末三朋四友小聚的最佳选择呢!


Think of what's good in Australia, you will certainly think of tasty beef ribs. As the most authentic Aussie Meat and Wine bar in chengdu, the Arthouse this summer brings you the Whole set of Beef Ribs and our own craft beer together. Beef ribs are amongst our most popular dishes, but guests dont feel satisfied with only one RIB, they always want more!






New dish available this Saturday, for limited time only, reservation are required(028-81474530 or wechat/message18584074777). Whole beef ribs, 3 bone for 258rmb or 6 bone for only 460rmb! Come with your friends for the best Saturday deal in town!

Other offers include our handmade Pork & Fennel Sausage Rolls on offer for only 55RMB, served with chips and a side salad. We'll also have Frozen Strawberry Dacquiries for only 35RMB, perfect for this summer's heat!

说到酒肉馆怎么能少了肉肠?!老板又发飙自己做了一堆法式酥皮肉肠卷,香味扑鼻,酥皮肉卷套餐Only 55元!各种大家喜欢的香肠,热狗,自然不会少!还有纯草莓鲜果做的草莓冰沙鸡尾酒,香甜可口,这一切都可以让你满足凉爽,消暑Level胜过回忆ex哦。无论是牛肋骨排配红酒扎啤,还是肉肠配啤酒,周六美好时光淹没在ARTHOUSE酒肉馆都不会让你失望!

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