
原创 2018年07月16日 7PLUS英语

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以下是高频考题 Columbus 的分析




When Christopher Columbus arrived at Hispaniola during his first transatlantic voyage in the year A.D. 1492. the island had already been selected by Native Americans for about 5,000 years. The occupants in Columbus’s time were a group of Arawak Indians called Tainos who lived by farming, were organized into five chiefdoms, and numbered around half a million (the estimates range from 100,000 to 2,000,000). Columbus initially found them peaceful and friendly, until he and his Spaniards began mistreating them. 
Unfortunately for the Tainos, they had gold, which the Spanish coveted but didn’t want to go to the work of mining themselves. Hence, the conquerors divided up the island and its Indian population among individual Spaniards, who put the Indians to work as virtual Slaves, accidentally infected them with Eurasian diseases, and murdered them. By the year 1519, 27 years after Columbus’s arrival, that original population of half a million had been reduced to about 11,000, most of whom died that year of smallpox to bring the population down to 3,000 and those survivors gradually died out or became assimilated within the next few decades. That forced the Spaniards to look elsewhere for slave labors.


When Christopher Columbus arrived at Hispanioladuring his first transatlantic voyage in the year A.D. 1492, the island hadalready been selected by Native Americans for about 5,000 years. The occupants in Columbus’s time were agroup of Arawak Indians called Tainos who lived by farming, were organized intofive chiefdoms, and numbered around half a million (the estimates range from100,000 to 2,000,000). Columbus initially found them peaceful and friendly, untilhe and his Spaniards began mistreating them.


篇文章分两段,第一部分作者首先向大家介了,在哥布到达Hispaniola个小之前,NativeAmericans已岛住了很久(红色部分)。接着,文章描述了当时住在岛上的是Taino人,他们以耕种为生,并被5个酋长管理,以及当时的人口数量(蓝色部分)。第一段的最后部分,作者介绍了哥伦布在虐待这些Native American之前其实是found them peaceful andfriendly(绿色部分)。



Unfortunately for the Tainos, they had gold, which the Spanish coveted but didn’t want to go to the work ofmining themselves. Hence, the conquerors divided up the island and its Indianpopulation among individual Spaniards, who put theIndians to work as virtual Slaves, accidentally infected them with Eurasian diseases, and murdered them. By the year 1519,27 years after Columbus’s arrival, that original population of half a million had been reduced to about 11,000, most of whom died that year of smallpox tobring the population down to 3,000 and those survivors gradually died out orbecame assimilated within the next few decades. That forced the Spaniards to look elsewhere for slave labors.


文章的第二部分的开部分介了,因为这些Native Americans有金子,得金子,些侵略者便开始虐待他,虐待的方式包括:将当地的原住民视为virtualslaves, 使原住民感染疾病,以及谋杀这些原住民(红色部分)。之后作者介绍了,因为之前提到的的这些虐待行为,当地原住民的人口数量大量减少(蓝色部分),这迫使西班牙侵略者们必须去别的地方寻找奴隶(绿色部分)。






在哥伦布到来之前,当时住在岛上的Native American, Tainos 人以耕种为生,并被5个酋长管理。但是因为他们有金子,所以西班牙侵略者通过将这些Native American视为奴隶,使他们染病和谋杀来虐待他们,即使这些侵略者之前found thempeaceful and friendly。因此,土著人的人口迅速减少,迫使西班牙侵略者不得不去其他地方寻找奴隶。


Before Columbus’s arrival, Tainos, the Native American in Hispaniola, lived by farming and were organized into five chiefdoms, but as they had gold, Spaniards mistreated them by regarding them as virtual slaves, making them infect diseases, and murdering them, although the conquerors initially found them peaceful and friendly; thus, the population of the Indian decreased dramatically, forcing the Spaniards to seek elsewhere for slave labors.  












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