
2015年06月16日 DNC澳洲求职







集训营你能获得什么-What do you get from this career camp

  • 最前沿的110小时会计实战操作特训-包括公司会计MYOB, SAP, 事务所税务案例操作,Taxation, 办公软件Excel 及简历面试技能等

  • 感受来自大公司及‘四大’的高级财会管理人员最专业的技术与知识分享和职业规划

  • 头脑风暴式的面试技巧集训-包括一对一模拟面试录像及反馈,Group interview 及反馈,让你感受真实面试及得到最专业的反馈意见

  • Local 猎头公司亲自指导面试,及商务礼仪实践

  • 结营后配送三个月大公司Fiannce部门实习职位

  • Unlimited DNC on going job-hunting support (包括一对一简历修改,一对一就业咨询,一对一面试前/后咨询,猎头推荐,实习推荐等

集训营包括内容-What is included

Part 1 :实战课程-Practical Technical Accounting Procedure Training

Public Accounitng & Business Service Accounting case study -48 hours

Commercial Accounting Entry Level Financial Reporting -MYOB -20 hours

Commercial Accounting Introduction To ERP System-SAP-6 hours

Microsoft Office Excel Modeling -12 hours

Part 2: 猎头面试训练-Local HR recruiter mock interview and feedbacks

Day 1: Interveiw & Resume Training -6 hours

Day 2: HR one to one mock interview -6 hours

Day 3: Group Interview & Assessment Activity -6 hours

Day 4:One to one Interview feedbacks -6 hours

Part 3: 三个月大公司财会部分实习-3 months local big company finance department internship

报名要求: 会计在读本科,硕士生,会计毕业生及工作经验不足者

上课地点: 悉尼City (如有需要解决住宿问题的同学,请和我们的工作人员联系,我们可帮助寻找短租房)

课程价格: $5580 (GST Inclusive) /如不需要实习服务,课程费用为$3880

咨询电话:0488 888 362

远大官网:w w w. d n c c o n s u l t i n g . c o m . a u



Public Accounting 团队资质:

Sonya S

远大Managing partner, Public Practice Accounting王牌讲师;远大会计事务所Co-founder之一,曾任Local大型公司Management Accountant职位,后因名师指路转入Public Accounting 领域,成为Senior Tax Accountant。

Sonya知识广博、厚积薄发,带给学员的是大师级的会计培训体验;同时她具备极强的个人魅力,善于与学员深度沟通,能够牢牢抓住学员的注意力,将课程内容以不同学 员更乐于接受的方式呈现,令人印象深刻并深刻激发学生内在潜能。Sonya的幽默感和亲和力深受学员喜爱。很多学生奉她为人生导师。

Byrel L.

远大Public Practice Accounting高级讲师。澳洲资深会计师(CPA, BCOMM, MTAX),拥有9年澳洲 Second Tier CA Firm从业经验。精通澳洲多行业各种税务问题,如Trust streaming, CGT, small business concession & business structuring, 等。同时,Beryl也是一个SMSFs投资专家,擅长协助企业所有者 和 个人创业者制定有效的退休投资策略。

在专业上,她的授课内容权威、详实,授课务实、缜密,善于与时下热点问题相结合,注重知识的更新化、内容的针对性和案例的代表性;在与学生的沟通上,他习 惯于快速响应,能够准确把脉学生问题并在授课过程中充分展现,针对问题给出精辟的论述和切中肯綮的分析。


远大Public Practice Accounting初中级阶段讲师团队的核心讲师。Qualified CPA,研究生毕业后有4年澳洲会计师楼从业经验。后转入Commercial领域, 目前任职于某大型电器制造上市公司澳洲分部的Management Accountant, 主要负责财务报表分析、预测、成本管理,以及海外分布的协调与沟通。

Michael老师一直致力于会计职业生涯经验的总结和传授,他的上课风格和内容也是多年来不断学习和提炼的智慧精华,通过HandiSoft、MYOB 、EXCEL等会计软件的熟练运用,带给了学生不论是找工经验、工作效率、积极探索能力的切实提高

Commercial Accounting 团队资质:

Financial Reporting 初中级

James L

2007年底获得悉尼大学商科学士学位B.Com (USYD),主修会计。2008年底开始踏入Commercial Accounting的领域。2012年六月获得注册会计师资格(CPA)。五年来James从Accounts Clerk一路走到大型公司的Company Accountant职位,积累了无数宝贵的求职面试和职场打拼经验,并且了解多种主流会计软件以及大型公司所使用ERP系统。他曾任职于多种行业的大型跨国公司,现就职于澳洲本地最大的 主攻医疗护理行业的人力资源公司,负责公司月结和年度财务报表分析,现金流管理,季度预算修改,各种应缴税务处理,同时参与策划公司会计流程。

James老师十分了解各种大中小型公司的财务报表和Commercial Accounting的工作流程,授课内容把会计知识与实践操作相结合,以企业财务报表为主线,让学员们充分了解Entry Level工作内容对财务报表的影响,为以后职场更上一层楼提供良好的知识储备。同时,James老师教学风格风趣幽默,非常注重与学生的互动,极具耐心。并且善于总结归纳要点,避免题海战术,重点培养学生举一反三的能力,能帮助学生迅速发现并解决自己的问题,让学员们在各种不同的企业环境下都能够如鱼得水。


Cynthia S.

拥有10年公司会计从业经验,现就职于Fujitsu Australia公司,是公司的高级分析师,带领4人团队,精通SAP,SUN,PRONTO,FINANCE ONE等多种ERP系统。曾在Tyco Healthcare(Fortune 200), HP,AHL group担任高级分析师,和管理会计的职位,同事担任Crossmark USA(知名美国市场公司)澳洲拓展市场自建团队之一,参与公司Policy和Procedure的简历,会计软件的选取和建立。

Excel 团队资质:

Leo H

远大Business Writing and Professional Manner 课程主讲老师,Soft Skills Course Training Team Leader. 现任澳洲德勤( Deloitte Australia)的Senior Data Analyst 和Internal Recruitment Accounting team leader 。在过去的7年间Leo还从事过Deloitte的Auditing, 曾任Macquarie Bank 的Business Analyst。Leo上课风格为典型‘四大’风格,目标明确,思路清晰,结构严谨,内容专业,风格轻松,给你完全不一样的‘四大模式体验’

Lauren L

远大资深实战型Excel全能速成培训讲师,对Excel在企业管理中的应用有着很深的造诣。Qualified CPA,现任澳洲联邦银行 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 融资部的证券化分析师 (Securitisation Analyst). 在过去的7年期间, Lauren还曾任职于联邦银行风险管理部门 (Risk Management)的信贷风险组 (Credit Risk) 4年, 以及电信行业(Telecommunication)的Accountant 3年. Lauren对待学生全情投入,懂得如何将知识与经验高效的转移给学生,授课专业性和趣味性并重,极具亲和力和感染力。


Janet T

DNC Commercial Team leader, Qualified CPA, 拥有9年以上Commercial Accounting 经历。目前任职于澳洲最大建筑公司任职于Commercial Manager,主要负责整个Commercial Team 的管理,包括:财务报表分析,工程预算,成本管理,工程项目管理以及工程投标核算等。Janet精通多种会计操作软件,例如MYOB,QUICKBOOK,LEGACY, ORACLE等。多年的企业历练让她熟知不同企业背景下财务管理问题的解决之道,对Commercial Accounting的流程及处理方式有着全面的了解。

Janet老师的培训思路清晰,阐述透彻,语言生动,非常善于把握客户需求,乐于倾听学生的疑问,从而展开有针对性 的讲授,帮助学生融会贯通、学以致用。Janet老师同时参与公司招聘,对大型企业人才质量需求非常熟知,从会计专业本身及HR连个角度诠释面试制胜攻略


Eleanor Ho:首席资深职业规划师

擅长职场新人职业适应及职业化问题的咨询。具有丰富的人力资源及人才测评的工作经验,深悉职场规则,熟知企业用人之道;致力于为在校毕业生提供: 校园招聘、职业生涯规划咨询、岗位胜任素质测评、等标准化评估。

Cindi Wirawan :资深职业规划师,职场心里咨询专家


Maria Passalaris :职场形象礼仪专家

曾任职Beautiful Minds Australia的执行董事,在Channel 9 TV show担任节目造型设计。善于帮助学生提高面试的语言表达、动作举止和服饰仪表。在此次Career Workshop中Maria将协助您在面试中凸显你的个人魅力,加深考官对应聘者的感觉和印象,从而在面试中取得胜人一筹的成绩。


Course Outline:

Part One: 实战课程-Practical Technical Accounting Procedure Training

Section 1: 会计事务所(Public Practice Accounting -Business Services Accounting):

Case one:

Business activity: Bread shop - a purchased franchise business

Business structure: Partnership

Cash basis for both income tax & GST

Job description:

Based on client's bookkeeping records in excel file, analyzing coding and processing the records into handiledger system on quarterly basis.

Reconcile payroll, GST account and other balance sheet items. Preparation of quarterly BAS for lodgment

At the annual trial balance stage: reconcile payroll, cash at bank, GST account, non-current asset's value in balance sheet vs. depreciation schedule

Preparation of financial statements including P & L, balance sheet, notes to the accounts, depreciation report etc.

Preparation of partnership tax return

Preparation of partner's individual income tax returns incl. rental schedule, capital gain schedule etc.

Case two

Business activity: Real estate company

Business structure: private company

Accrual basis for both GST & income tax

Job description:

Process bank statements into the system according to bank statements and cheque butts provided by the client on the quarterly basis.

Reconcile payroll, GST account and other balance sheet items. Preparation of quarterly BAS for lodgment (1st year option one, 2nd year option three with PAYG installment and annual GST return)

Preparation of depreciation schedules

At the annual trial balance stage: reconcile payroll, cash at bank, ATO integrated client account, non-current asset's value in balance sheet vs. depreciation schedule

Motor vehicle log book, private portion (potentially FBT)

Preparation of financial statements including P & L, balance sheet, notes to the accounts, depreciation report etc.

Preparation of company tax return including franking accounts, tax break concession.

Preparation of director's individual income tax returns incl. rental schedule, capital gain schedule, managed funds investments etc.

Case three

Business activity: Real property (rental property) and share investment

Business Structure: Discretionary family trust

Job description:

Process bank statements into the system according to bank statements, dividend slips (cash payments and dividend reinvestment plan)

Share purchase, sale contract notes and rental statements etc

Preparation of share trading, dividend and rental schedules in excel file

Bank reconciliation; cross check/reconcile ledger account with excel schedules

Preparation of financial statements including P & L, balance sheet, notes to the accounts, trust distribution statements etc.

Preparation of trust tax return including trust distribution to beneficiaries

Preparation of beneficiary's individual income tax returns including the distribution received from the trust.

Case four:

Business activity: Grocery retail shop (also deliver the goods to restaurants)

Business structure: private company

Cash basis for both income tax & GST

Job description:

Process bank statements into the system according to bank statements and cheque butts provided by the client on the quarterly basis.

Process client's cash book records into the system on the quarterly basis.

Recording client's commercial vehicle hire purchase (GST treatment, unexpired interest amortization, current vs. non-current lease liability)

Reconcile payroll, ATO integrated client account and other balance sheet items.

Preparation of quarterly BAS for lodgment (1st year option one, 2nd year option three with PAYG installment and annual GST return)

Preparation of depreciation schedules

At the annual trial balance stage: reconcile payroll, cash at bank, GST account, non-current asset's value in balance sheet vs. depreciation schedule & hire purchase amortization accounts

Preparation of financial statements including P & L, balance sheet, notes to the accounts, depreciation report etc.

Preparation of company tax return including franking accounts (dividend payments to shareholders )

Preparation of director's individual income tax returns incl. share trading schedule

Case Five: Tax returns for individuals

Tax return for indivual including work related expense,employee share scheme ,reportable fringe benefit ,lum sum payments

Tax return for senior including centrelink allowance and pensions ,tax offset, investment property and other investment

Section 2: 公司会计(Commercial Accounting-Financial Reporting)  

Session 1

DNC Commercial Accounting Course Introduction

Commercial Accounting Job Examples

Common Finance Team Structure (SME and Corporation)

Accounting Software vs ERP

General Ledger and Accounts List 101

Introduction of GST and related accounts

Month-End Procedures (AR, AP, Banking, Payroll and Financial Reporting)

Case Study Background Introduction

Overview of MYOB Accountright Plus

Company Data File Set-up in MYOB

Account List & Trial Balance Set-up

Session 2

AP Procedure Overview

New Credit Trading Account Application

Supplier Creation & Maintenance in MYOB

Purchase Orders & Invoice Conversion

Inventory /Cost of Sales Invoices

Fixed Assets Invoice

Expense Invoices

Case Studies – Different Scenarios

Credit Note/Statement Invoice

Cash Purchase/Staff Reimbursement

Supplier Statement Reconciliation

AP Invoice Payment Processing

Credit Card Processing

AP Invoice Entry Reversal

Cheque Writing

Invoice Filing

Session 3

AR Procedure Overview

New Accounts Application Reference Check

Accounts Receivable Position & Duties

Customer Creation & Maintenance in MYOB

Invoice/Credit Note Creation and Handling

Income Types (Revenue, Pre-Billed Revenue & Deferred Revenue)

Cash Sales

Payment Allocation

Cheque Deposit

Trade Debtor Collection Roadmap (Real Example)

Session 4

Payroll Procedure Overview

National Employment Standards (NES) and Awards Introduction

TFN Declaration Form

Superannuation Set-up Form

Payroll Set-up (Link to Balance Sheet & Profit/Loss Statement)

Employee Set-up (Perm vs Perm Shift Worker vs Casual)

Government Paid Leave

Permanent Payroll Processing (Penalty Rate, Overtime, etc.)

Casual Payroll Processing (Casual Loading, Penalty Rate, etc.)

Time Billing (Project-Based)

How to Adjust Payroll Error

How to Process Rejected Payment

Payroll Activity Summary and its interpretation

Payroll Advice Report and its interpretation

PAYG Summary (Formerly known as Group Certificate)

Session 5

Month End Reporting Procedure Overview

Bank Reconciliation

Trade Debtor/Trade Creditor Reconciliation

End of Month (EOM) Journals (Prepayment, Deferral & Accrual, Depreciation, Expense Recharge, Inventory Reserve, Bad Debt Provision, etc.)

Balance Sheet Reconciliation

GST Submission (Paper Form vs BAS Link)

Employee PAYG Submission

Payroll Tax in NSW

Summary of MYOB Course

Section 3: Introduction to SAP

大型跨国公司会计(Commercial Accounting- Multinational company)

Session One:

Introduction to SAP the company & SAP ERP Core Modules

Introduction to SAP Screens & Menu

SAP General Ledger account master record overview

Profit Centre Accounting

Cost Centre Accounting

Cost Element Accounting

SAP General Ledger Processing

Introduction to Management Accounting Process

Introduction to Management Reporting

Session Two: SAP AR and AP

Accounts Receivables (Credit Controller) Introduction:

Role Description of the AR (Credit Controller)

Company Policy(AR) and procedures detailed explanation (multinational company real case)

Some key definitions

Authorisation and Responsibilities

Policies (open new account, Debt collection, Credit limit, Credit Applications, DSO)

Key performance dressed and explanation

Workflow chart process explanation


SAP Example: Customer set up, Invoice Enter, Credit limit Set up

Accounts Payable Introduction:

Role Description of the AP

Company Policy(AP) and procedures detailed explanation (multinational company real case)

Key performance dressed and explanation

Workflow chart process explanation


SAP Example: vendor set up, Vendor invoices Enter

Section 4: Interview Preparation & CV 精修班

Part 1: Interview Preparation


Company Structure

HR’s Functions

Job Interviews / Resume

How to find the ideal job:

Identify yourself

What is your objective?

Channels for job information

Understand Job Description & Requirements:

Company background research

Understanding the industry knowledge

Think as you are the employer

Part 2: Resume/CV

Cover Letter:

Purpose of Cover Letter

How to write a fascinating letter


Why you need a resume

Structure your CV / Resume Formats

Key Words

Including the right information

How to developing your resume

Most common mistakes & how to avoid

Part 3: Interviews

Get yourself ready for the interview

Types of Interviews

Telephone Interview

One to One Interview / Individual Interview

Panel Interview / Group Interview

Common Questions in different stage of interviews

Section 5: 办公室软件Microsoft Excel Modeling



全英文教学,6hours per day/2days;





Case one:Tele-communication

Advanced Data Delimitation

Advanced Functions VLOOKUP + OFFSET

Advanced Text Functions LEFT + FIND + SERACH

Intermediate Data setup for Dashboard

Case Two:Airline company


Intermediate ARRAY formulas

Advanced Sorting

Advanced Report printing set up

Advanced Pivot Table manipulation

Case Three:Retail

Advanced UDF

Immediate VBA editor navigations

Understanding of Excel Objects

Basic Looping

Basic VBA Macro recordings

Case Four:IT

Advanced Excel Theme and Colour manipulation

Advanced Charting manipulation

Advanced dynamic object manipulation

Advanced layout analytical mind

Advanced Data validations

Case Five:Banking

Advanced web link to RBA for interest base rate

Advanced conditional formatting

Advanced Protected controls

Advanced Data validation for controls

Immediate Goal Seek Analysis

Print objects manipulation

Advanced data formatting manipulation

Advanced Excel VBA looping methods

Advanced Short Cut Keys Usages

Part Two: 猎头面试训练-Local HR recruiter mock interview and feedbacks

远大强强联手Local 猎头服务公司推出年度最Valuable PCD Workshop,为优秀的你带来VIP式优质就业指导以及职位引荐服务,手把手带你走上澳洲职场

我们的Career workshop为行业首创的真实面试模拟及上市公司面试Assessment center 的形式。相信大部分同学都有过面试失败经历,但你是否得到正确的反馈,了解自己为何而失败呢?我们的模拟面试采用现场录像模式,对我们的后期反馈留下了最真实的一刻。在我们的冬令营中,此部分课程成为学生最收益,也最难忘的部分,真实看到了与HR面试后种种失败的具体原因。


Session 1: It’s all about you



What you’ll learn:

Resume and cover letter writing

Basics of resume writing

Different kind of resumes and which one to use

Dos and Don’ts

How to summarize your school/work history in less than 2 pages

How to tailor your resume and cover letter to specific jobs and companies

Resume rescue workshop

Practical hands on resume writing activity

How to brainstorm ideas for showcasing yourself in the best light

How to identify and highlight your achievements on paper

What’s missing from your resume and what you should include

One on one help and review by career coach

Section 2 : 1 to 1 Mock interview and video taking

Section 3 : 1 to 1 interview feedbacks

Section 4: Group interview assessment center

Section 5 : Group interview feedbacks


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