“【中英文双语版】全球财经热门新闻汇总 汇集一周之内有价值的【财经类新闻】英文供大家积累谈资,中文让大家方便理解。 只愿你好好积累一份谈资,能撩到你心仪公司的HR。全球财经新闻周推送1Australian port sold for $7.3 billion to consortium; China fund among backers墨尔本港以73亿美元售出,中国中投参与收购A consortium of global and domestic funds, backed by investors including China Investment Corp, agreed to buy Australia's busiest port for a higher-than-expected A$9.7 billion ($7.3 billion), a sign that tough equity markets are helping fuel appetite for infrastructure.在中国中投公司的积极推进下,由各个国际基金、财团组织已经通过了以超过预期价格的97亿澳元(约合73亿美元)收购了澳大利亚最繁忙的港口之一(墨尔本港)以更好地应对国际基础设施建设的燃料需求问题。 Australian leaders will also hope the deal shows they still welcome Chinese investment in infrastructure. The federal government last month blocked the sale of the country's biggest power network, Ausgrid, to state-owned State Grid Corp of China and Hong Kong-listed Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings on security concerns.澳大利亚的领导人表示,他们仍欢迎中国投资者投资澳洲。此前,由于澳洲民众对向海外投资者出售基础设施的反对,澳大利亚拒绝李嘉诚与中国国家电网对澳洲最大电网Ausgrid的竞标。墨尔本港介绍墨尔本是澳大利亚第二大城市,是维多利亚州的首府,也是澳大利亚的工业重镇。 墨尔本港位于澳大利亚东南部维多利亚州的墨尔本市,在菲利普港湾(PORT PHILLIP BAY)北侧的霍布森斯(HOBSONS)湾内,是澳大利亚最大的现代化港口,也是澳大利亚最繁忙的水上货运港口,每年处理澳大利亚38%的水路集装箱运输。 2U.S. Economic Growth May Accelerate Just Before Election Day美国经济将有可能在选举日前加速增长Some forecasters see U.S. GDP growth on track for a 3% pace in the third quarter, to be announced in a late-October report.一些经济学家在刚刚发表的10月份报告中表示,美国的GDP将在第三季度保持3%的增长。 An October surprise could be coming in the form of an explosive rebound for economic growth. The Commerce Department will release its initial estimate for third-quarter GDP on Oct. 28, just days before the presidential election.10月份的美国经济将有可能会出现爆炸式的反弹。美国商务部将会在总统选举前两天(10月28号)发布第三季度GDP预测数据。 Less than two weeks before Election Day, American voters could learn that economic growth has suddenly accelerated to its fastest pace in two years.在离选举日不到2周的时候,美国民众有可能会感受到经济增长速度将突然达到两年以来的峰值。3The $14bn Deutsche Bank fine德意志银行面临140亿美元罚单The prospect of a $14bn penalty from the US Department of Justice has rattled investor confidence in Deutsche. Shares in Deutsche Bank, Germany’s largest bank, took a dive after news that the institution faces a $14bn (£10.5bn) charge over mis-selling mortgage securities in the US. 美国司法部近日对德意志银行(德银)开出了140亿美元天价罚款,以此了结其对德银在2005年-2007年期间出售住房抵押贷款支持证券(RMBS)的司法调查。消息一经放出后,德银的股价经历了暴跌。两个为什么Why is Deutsche Bank in trouble?The prospect of a $14bn penalty from the US Department of Justice has rattled investor confidence in Deutsche. Sentiment was already weak following a turbulent start to the year when prospects of a slowdown in global growth and lower interest rates raised questions about the bank’s future profits and dented the share price. The penalty aims to settle allegations, dating back to 2005, about the way the bank selected mortgages, packaged them into bonds and sold on to investors. These bonds are known as residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS). Why have shares in RBS taken a dive as well?For at least a year, the bailed-out UK bank has been warning the City it faces a penalty over RMBS. Only on Monday, finance director Ewen Stevenson told investors that its $5.6bn provision for various claims relating to these mortgage bonds might not be enough. “This provision does not include or reflect potential penalties and compensatory damages that may be imposed by US DoJ, which may be substantial,” Stevenson said. The potential scale of the penalty facing Deutsche has raised anxiety about the possible fine facing RBS, which is 73% owned by taxpayers and yet to make an annual profit since its bailout in 2008.背景此外,德银还有多起官司缠身,德银还被控告“操纵外汇”、“操作贵金属交易”、“利用镜像交易帮助俄罗斯洗钱100亿美元”等行为。 根据摩根大通测算,只要罚金超过40亿美元,就会侵蚀德银的资本金,而德银的资本金在同行中已处于岌岌可危的水平。 从去年以来的金融环境变化中,德银已饱受摧残,包括从难以预计的金融市场动荡,到负利率,到严苛的《巴塞尔协议Ⅲ》资本金要求。德银在盈利能力、股价、资本充足率等方面,都落后于同行。 2016年2月,德银股价一度创下30年低点,甚至引发了欧洲银行股集体暴跌。截至2016年二季度,德银的利润下跌了98%。净收入下降40亿美元,净利润下降10亿美元。 4Global banking watchdog warns over Chinese banks全球银行监管机构对中国的银行发出危机警告Risks of a Chinese banking crisis are mounting, according to a warning indicator from the banking industry's global watchdog.A key gauge of stress in the banking sector is now more than three times above the danger level, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) said in its latest quarterly review. 根据全球银行监管机构,中国的银行将遭遇危机的风险正在逐步提升。国际清算银行(BIS)在最新季度的报告中表示,目前中国的银行业承受的压力已经3倍高于警戒水平。 The health of China's banking sector has long been a source of concern for financial markets.Since the financial crisis of 2007-2008 there has been a boom in credit as the Chinese government has attempted to spur flagging growth. But some of that lending has not been productive and the IMF estimates that loans worth $1.3 trillion are at risk of default.However, as the Chinese banking system is largely owned or controlled by the government, analysts say the government would bail out the banking sector if necessary.中国银行系统是否健康一直以来都是国际金融市场关注的焦点。自2007-2008金融危机以来,中国政府一直尝试着通过振兴信贷来刺激低迷的经济。然而有一部分贷款将有可能不能被偿还。据IMF估计,大概会有1.3万亿美元的贷款将会被拖欠。由于中国的银行系统在很大程度上是属于政府并直接被政府监管的,有分析师称中国政府会在必要的时候出手自救。 5Markets Tighten Ahead of Fed市场提前收紧货币政策While Federal Reserve officials have been wrestling with whether to tighten monetary policy in recent weeks, the financial markets may have already done much of the work for them.Stock and bond prices have slumped and the dollar has strengthened. Since Labor Day, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has fallen 1.95%, while the yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury note has climbed 0.08 percentage point to 1.698% and the WSJ Dollar Index has risen 0.95%. On Monday, the Dow dropped 3.63 points to 18120.17. 当美国联邦储备理事会近日正在为是否英国实行紧缩的货币政策的时候,金融市场方面已经作出了反应。股票价格和债券价格一度下滑,美元变得更加强势。自劳动日之后,道琼斯平均工业指数已经下降了1.95%,美国10年期公债收益率攀升了0.08%达到了1.698%,华尔街美元指数上升了0.95%。周一,道琼斯指数下降了3.63至18120.17。延伸阅读Goldman Sachs Group ’s gauge of U.S. financial conditions—a closely watched barometer that both reflects economic growth and offers a view of investor expectations of market trends—is at its tightest level since June. The financial-conditions index was at 100.27 Friday, up from 99.86 on Aug. 18. Tighter conditions reflect more difficulty borrowing. “The market is calling the shots now, not so much the Fed,” said Don Ellenberger, head of multisector strategies at Federated Investors . “That is going to be the case until the Fed surprises the market and hikes [interest rates] even if stocks have sold off a little bit.” The rising cost of borrowing dollars for brief periods is hitting financial institutions and other companies around the globe, a tightening of conditions that further limits already slim prospects that the Fed will raise interest rates at its meeting ending Wednesday.新闻周推送下周见公司地址:Suite 903, 370 Pitt Street, Sydney 2000 官网:www.dncconsulting.com.au咨询电话:0488 888 362微信ID:dnctraining