
What’s the problem? Can you offer any advice?
A house in Burwood is occupied by a group of Chinese international students, studying at Deakin University, who mostly keep to themselves. Any visitors are also of Asian appearance. The lawn has sprouted to about half a metre in height and the garden is overgrown, a contrast to the tidy gardens of the mostly elderly Australian neighbours. Although one of the students drives a car, a late-model Mini, it is never cleaned. The students appear frightened when anyone approaches them. A neighbour tried to say hello to one of them one day but the student, started, said “oh just fine!” The same student is hoping to get a 7 in IELTS because all his friends are also trying to get their PR.一群中国留学生住在一间位于Burwood的房子里,他们都在Deakin大学上学,他们比较爱扎堆,拜访他们的人也都是亚洲面孔。这个院子里的杂草都半米多高了,而且整个花园也杂草丛生。在对面住着的是一个年过半百的澳洲邻居。虽然他们其中的一位开着一辆老式的Mini,但是从没洗过。每当有人靠近他们,他们都会很惶恐,当某天一位邻居试着接近他们试着问好的时候,其中的一位学生才战战兢兢的用英语回复到“我们还好”这位同学一直希望得到雅思7分,因为所有他的朋友都在试着获得PR
Harjit Reddy is an international student wholives in Glenhuntley, a popular area for Indians in Melbourne’s south-west. Heshares a two-bedroom 1960s-style flat with three other Indians, although there was a recent arrival who is dossing down in the small lounge room. He goes to the gym nearby, but rarely talks to anyone except for his Indian friends who occasionally turn up. He is worried about getting a ‘7’ in IELTS…Harjit Reddy是一位国际留学生,住在Glenhuntely——这一印度人聚集的墨尔本西南区里。他和另外三位其他印度学生住在一个两居室的1960年代风格的公寓里,即便是有一个刚到的人屈身住在一个小的洗衣房中。他经常去一家附近的健身房,但除了和一个少有出现的印度朋友聊聊天之外很少和人说话。他也很担心自己能否得到雅思四个7.

“Peaches”(her ‘English’ name) is a Chinese international student living in the CBD, notfar from the QV Centre shopping complex. Conveniently enough, she studies atthe RMIT English Language Centre, located only about two hundred metres away from her modern one-bedroom apartment which she shares with her sister. She likes the area for its convenience and the sleekly contemporary QV Centre and Melbourne Central complexes are her favourites for fashion shopping. All theAsian faces make her feel like she is back home in Beijing as well. Despitehaving been in Australia for a year, she has never been anywhere outside the inner suburbs and doesn’t have a car. She has few interests and divides her time between RMIT, her apartment and catching up with her friends, who are all from China. She is having trouble figuring out how she is going to get 7 for IELTS…
Vu is a confident young Vietnamese who loves living in Australia and is alwaysdrinking with his friends, who are mostly from Vietnam. He also has an active life, mostly filled by working at a Subway restaurant as an assistant manager. With a strong accent, the staff often don’t understand him but he thinks theydo. Vu believes it will be easy to get his 7 in IELTS because he has been studying and working in Australia for almost seven years. He speaks English every day and talks at a fast pace, further making him believe that he is in the right ball park so far as his IELTS is concerned. He believes further study is unnecessary and anyway he doesn’t have time for it.

ChunHei is a pretty Korean girl who lives in a share house in Carnegie, an areapopular with Asian and particularly Korean migrants. She has finished herdegree at Monash University and is now trying to get her 7 in IELTS. Althoughher house-mates are from a variety of countries, she tries to avoid mixing withthem and doesn’t like it when they invite their friends for a few drinks andmusic on weekend evenings. Her house-mates think she is weird. Almost all ofher friends are Korean, although she befriended a Japanese girl recently whosuggested Chun Hei might like to join the local 24-hour gym on Dandenong Roadwith her. However, she avoids exercise because it makes her tired and she fearsgoing to the gym will make her dainty body too beefy.
Baljeetlives with her husband near Harjit’s flat. She wakes up early to prepare her husband’s lunch, before rushing to college. After college she has to cook dinner and tidy up their modest flat. She didn’t want to come to Australia but her husband is pressuring her to study for her 7 in IELTS. She doesn’t really like Australia but all her husband’s friends are here so he thought it would be a good idea to come too. She hardly has a chance to speak any English and doesn’t have time to study outside of class…
