​Webinar | The State of Australia-China Agriculture

2020年03月04日 澳贸委Austrade

The State of Australia-China Agriculture and the Impact of COVID-19

Experts discuss COVID-19's impact on the industry

AustCham China is proud to host a webinar with three leaders of the agriculture industry to comment on the developing impact of COVID-19. Chris Tinning, First Assistant Secretary, Trade and Market Access Division, Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment will be joined by Liu Bing, Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner, Austrade, and Andrew Cox, General Manager of International Markets, Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA).
The measures taken to control the spread of COVID-19 have dealt a blow to Australia’s agricultural industry. Tune in to hear what government is doing to help mitigate these effects on the agricultural sector, and how Australian businesses are dealing with the current situation. 
The session will begin with statements from our experts summarising recent developments, before a comprehensive Q&A session.

Event Detail:
Date: Thursday 5 March 
Time: 10am China Standard Time 
Format: Webinar


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