
2018年09月07日 Seed读职场

MYOB,XERO 和 RECKON 作为会计必备软件中的三大热门软件,在会计领域中起着不能磨灭的作用。



MYOB (Mind Your Own Business)是澳洲最著名的商务和财务软件,也是澳大利亚最常见的会计工具,深受中小企业和会计师的青睐。 MYOB软件运用技能也是澳洲企业招聘会计的一个重要衡量指标,会熟练操作MYOB,将极大增加你的工作就业机会。






Reckon Accounts 会计工作软件已经在澳大利亚和新西兰地区被广泛使用了20多年,现已成为最常用的会计工作软件之一。从小型到大型企业,Reckon Accounts 都能够有效的帮助财务工作人员完成日常工作。想要在澳大利亚从事会计方面工作的同学都应该尝试对 Reckon Accounts 的使用加以了解和练习,因为除了MYOB,很多澳洲公司都在使用 Reckon Accounts。

现在的你是否已经明白了这三款会计软件对会计师职业生涯的重要性,那么快来专业的Seed Training Group 接受手把手的实操课,100%的公司真实案例。


$399 2-Days 会计课程任选其一



课程费用:$399 -- 2 Days

  1. Setting up a company

  2. Chart of accounts

  3. Transfer Funds

  4. Managing contacts

  5. Processing accounts payable and accounts receivable

  6. Recording deposit on sales

  7. Recording credit notes and over-payments

  8. Processing payroll – PAYG withholding and PAYG installments

  9. Recording employer contributions and deductions in payroll

  10. Setting up inventory items

  11. Inventory adjustments for month-end via general journal

  12. Bank reconciliation

  13. BAS / GST return lodgement

  14. Generating Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet


课程费用:$399 -- 2 Days

  1. Setting up a company

  2. Chart of accounts

  3. Transfer Funds

  4. Managing contacts

  5. Processing accounts payable and accounts receivable

  6. Recording deposit on sales

  7. Recording credit notes and over-payments

  8. Processing payroll – PAYG withholding and PAYG installments

  9. Recording employer contributions and deductions in payroll

  10. Setting up inventory items

  11. Inventory adjustments for month-end via general journal

  12. Bank reconciliation

  13. BAS / GST return lodgement

  14. Generating Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet


课程费用:$399 -- 2 Days

  1. Setting up a company

  2. Chart of accounts

  3. Transfer Funds

  4. Managing contacts

  5. Processing accounts payable and accounts receivable

  6. Recording deposit on sales

  7. Recording credit notes and over-payments

  8. Processing payroll – PAYG withholding and PAYG installments

  9. Recording employer contributions and deductions in payroll

  10. Setting up inventory items

  11. Inventory adjustments for month-end via general journal

  12. Bank reconciliation

  13. BAS / GST return lodgement

  14. Generating Profit & Loss and Balance Sheet

在课程结束后,你不仅可以得到满满的实操技巧,还可以得到相应的CDP Hours 和结课证书,这会让你在面试中加分不少哦。


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