3. 会计分数线依然为60分,软件和计算机应用也是60分,只有ICT商业和系统分析师依然为65分
SkillSelect - 14 July round results
The table below shows the number of invitations issued in the SkillSelect invitation round on 14 July 2014.
Number of invitations issued in the SkillSelect invitation round on 14 July 2014
Visa subclass | Number |
Skilled - Independent (subclass 189) | 1250 |
Skilled - Regional Provisional (subclass 489) | 10 |
The above figures do not include invitations issued for State and Territory Government nominated visa subclasses. State and Territory Governments nominate throughout the month for specific points tested skilled migration and business innovation and investment visas. Separate results for these visa subclasses are provided monthly.
The following graph shows the points for clients who were invited to apply in the 14 July 2014 round.
Invitation process and cut offs
The highest ranked clients by points score are invited to apply for the relevant visa. For clients who have equal points scores, the time at which they reached their points score for that subclass (referred to as the visa date of effect) determines their order of invitation. Expressions of Interest with earlier dates of effect are invited before later dates.
14 July 2014
Invitation process and cut-off date by point score
Visa subclass | Points score | Visa date of effect |
Skilled - Independent (subclass 189) | 60 | 2014-06-24 12:21pm |
Skilled - Regional Provisional (subclass 489) | 70 | 2013-02-08 4:56am |
Due to the continuing high numbers of EOIs received for the below occupations, invitations for these occupations will be issued on a pro rata basis in each twice monthly invitation round over the 2014-15 programme year. These arrangements are subject to change throughout the programme year. Please also note that SkillSelect first allocates available places to Skilled – Independent (Subclass 189) visas and then remaining to Skilled – Regional (Subclass 489) (Provisional – Family Sponsored) visas. If all places are taken up by Subclass 189 visas then there will be no invitations issued for Subclass 489 visas in these occupations:
ICT Business and Systems Analysts
Software and Applications Programmers.
The points score and the visa date of effect cut-off for the above occupations in the 14 July 2014 invitation round is as follows:
Note: Below points score and visa date of effect is for Skilled Independent (subclass 189).
Points scores and the visa dates of effect cut off for the above occupations in the 14 July 2014 invitation round
Points | Description | Points score | Visa date of effect |
2211 | Accountants | 60 | 2014-06-24 09:38am |
2611 | ICT Business and System Analysts | 65 | 2014-06-21 12.01am |
2613 | Software and Applications Programmers | 60 | 2014-06-18 12.01am |
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